I will edit as i gather more accurate information on each member and the group as a whole
Hisoka(ヒソカ,Hisoka?) is one of Hunter × Hunter's main antagonists. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio first encounter Hisoka during the Hunter Exam where he is known as the most dangerous person among all of the examinees. Hisoka registered for the Hunter Exam before, however, he was thrown out because he tried to kill one of the members of the examination committee. After the exam, Gon and Killua go to the Heaven's Arena to hone their skills only to find that Hisoka had followed them. Hisoka prevents Gon and Killua's entry to the 200th floor of Heaven's Arena until they have learned Nen, so that they are not permanently harmed by other floor fighters eager to perform an "initiation" ritual. Hisoka joins the Phantom Troupe in order to get a chance to battle the leader, Kuroro Lucifer, but the his abilities are neutralized by Kurapika's 'Judgement Chain'. Hisoka travels to 'Greed Island' in order to find a man who can remove the chain's effects. There, he assists Gon and Killua in a deadly dodgeball game. Hisoka is one of the strongest characters of the series. He is voiced by Hiroki Takahashi.
Main Story: isoka (ヒソカ, Hisoka) is a character from the series Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi.
Hisoka's past is never explored in Hunter × Hunter. His character is an enigma that speaks not of his past because he is uninterested in it. Hisoka is a second time examinee, being disqualified for attempting to kill an examiner in his first exam.
It is stated during his battle with Gon on the 200th floor that Hisoka chewed "pansy gum" a lot as a child but because of his family being poor had to chew it after it had become flavourless often. This is apparently why his nen ability is what it is.
Hisoka is extremely confident in his own abilities. Along with his confidence, he is entirely self-interested and does what he pleases as long as it benefits him in some way. Hisoka temporarily joins the Genei Ryodan, a group of vagabonds that partake in criminal activities, so he can have the chance to fight against the group's leader. Hisoka seems to have an occasional interest Hisoka with Machi
with Machi, although it is hard to see whether it is genuine, given Hisoka's unpredictability. Hisoka lusts for the thrill of killing powerful fighters in combat, and it is strongly implied that he receives sexual gratification from the act as well. In order for them to grow to their full potential (and for the pleasure of killing them later), Hisoka allows the main protagonists of Hunter × Hunter to live during situations where in he is able to easily take their lives.
Hisoka's hair tied down. During his first apperance, Hisoka's hair was blue, but changed on the Hunter exam to red, then later changed to an orange color after the Hunter's exam. His hair seems to be held up by hair-jell, although that is not shown in either the anime or the manga. When he showers, his hair does not stand out so it is possible that he uses thing to keep it up. Hisoka has sharp-looking eyes with goldish-yellow colour. which are slightly larger during the OVAs, and his clothing changes. Hisoka during the Hunter Exams.
Hisoka also has an apperance similar to that of a magician, or sometimes considered a clown. One his right cheek there is a purple star, and on the other there is a green tear drop. Up until the OVAs, Hisoka's clothing have decorations on them.
Notorious for his cruel and deceitful fighting ability, Hisoka has proven to be deadly. His deviousness and volatility has made many opponents difficult to anticipate his next move, and this has led to him winning many battles. Using Shu powered poker cards as his primary weapon, he throws them with ease and deadly accuracy. When he combines the use of his poker cards with the use of his nen ability, it becomes an even deadlier weapon.
In terms of physical abilities, Hisoka as been noted as both incredibly fast and strong, ranking 3rd in the phantom troupe in terms of physical strenght (which is composed of 13 of the most powerful nen user seen throughout the series) and fast enough to easily dodge continous attacks from Gon without moving from the position he was in (his true speed and strength has not yet been shown).
Nen Abilities
Hisoka's nen abilities have served him well on numerous occasions, and especially compliment his ominous nature. While fighting with Kastro, he once fooled everyone by controlling his chopped arms with nen. Hisoka uses two versatile Hatsu, both in and out of combat:
Nen Ability: Texture Surprise (ドッキリテクスチャ 「薄っぺらな嘘」), lit. "Flimsy Lies" Best Translation: "Deceitful Texture"
Hisoka can apply his aura to any thin surface (such as paper or cloth) and change its appearance. This ability is impossible to detect visually without an ability such as Gyo, however, if any physical contact is made, the deception becomes obvious. Hisoka named this ability after a brand of candy that contained a surprise.
After his fight with Kastro in Heaven's Arena, it is revealed that the spider tattoo on Hisoka's back was a fake, made out of cloth. In Yorknew City, Hisoka also changed the words on the prediction written for him by Chrollo's stolen Lovely Ghostwriter ability. This was in order to fool the Phantom Troupe into thinking that he had been forced to betray the Troupe's abilities by Kurapika's Judgment Chain. He did a similar thing on Greed Island to his Book, in order to fool Gon and Killua into thinking that he had not met any Troupe members there. He also uses this to make both his cards and a cloth appear and disappear.
Nen Ability: Bungee Gum (バンジーガム 「伸縮自在の愛」), lit. "Elastic Love" Best Translation: "Phantasy Gum"
Hisoka's bungee gum. Hisoka can alter his aura's consistency into an incredibly sticky substance somewhat akin to bubble gum, albeit much stronger. It can be used to pull opponents within punching range for a flurry of rebound pummels. Bungee Gum can both stretch and contract, depending on what Hisoka desires. It can be attached either by pointing at his target or through direct physical contact. When not attached to Hisoka's body, Bungee Gum cannot stretch more than 10 meters. Hisoka named this ability after a brand of chewing gum he liked as a child. Hisoka has shown the ability to alter his Bungee Gum´s shape and colour. Hisoka's Bungee Gum cannot be seen unless his opponent uses Gyo. However, even if an opponent uses Gyo, it is still almost impossible to avoid, as Hisoka can simply attach Bungee Gum while hitting his opponent.
In the Latin-American dub, Hisoka speaks with a French accent and his name is pronounced as "Isoka" (with a silent H).
During his flight with Kastro
Arm sewn by Machi
Genei Ryodan/ Kumo
The Phantom Troupe (幻影旅団,Genei Ryodan?, lit. Phantom Brigade. Spider) is the name for a gang of thieves. The group consists of 13 members, each with a numbered tattoo of a spider on their body. Those wishing to join the group can do so by killing a member, thereby replacing them. If a vacancy opens due to a member dying of other causes, the leader of the group, Kuroro Lucifer, is responsible for finding a replacement member. Although they mainly steal and kill, they occasionally do philanthropic work.
Kuroro Lucifer
Kuroro Lucifer is a character from Hunter x Hunter anime and Hunter x Hunter manga created by Yoshihiro Togashi. Kuroro Lucifer childhood place is in Meteor City (Ryuuseigai Falling Star Street), the city is city of rubbish disposal, inhabited by exiles. With six others, he formed Genei Ryodan Clan and left Meteor City. The Genei ryodan or the spider eventually have formation with 13 members, including Kuroro Lucifer as the head. He states that as a Spider he is the head and the rest are the limbs who regard the orders from the head as a top priority.It is carried out by skill, not life or death which means that If he happens to die anyone of the remaining members can take his place as the leader.Also depending on the situation sometimes the head is less important then the limbs. He goe on to say that his orders are top priority however it does not mean that his life is top priority for he is also a member of the spider and the one to live is not the individual but the spider as a whole. Genei Ryodan known as a group of bandit who like steal rare items.As a leader of Genei Ryodan, Kuroro Lucifer was highly respected by its members. He is very charismatic , calm and smart in a battle.
Phantom Troupe Head Phantom Troupe member #most likely 1
Nen Abilities:
Scheme Hunter (スキルハンター - "盗賊の極意") lit, Essence of Theft.
Indoor Fish
Fun Fun Cloth
Lovely Ghost Writer
Kuroro Lucilfer (クロロ=ルシルフル, Kuroro Rushirufuru), commonly misspelled as Chrollo Lucifer, is a character in the manga and anime series Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi, and the leader of the Phantom Troupe. He currently left the Troupe, because he lost his nen powers resulting from Kurapika's Judgement Chain.
Very little is known about Kuroro's past except for the fact that he originated from Meteor City (流星街 Ryuuseigai). Meteor City is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to a very few people. Sometime in the past, he formed the Phantom Troupe with six other Meteor City residents and left the city. Later, the group was joined by more members, in accordance with Chrollo's idea of a group comprising of exactly 13 members, including himself.
Kuroro's appearance.
One of Chrollo's distinguishing features is his cross-shaped forehead mark and is always seen wearing a pair of orb -shaped earrings. He wears a flashy coat that has an insignia of an inverted cross. Before creating the the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo never wore his trademark jacket, nor combed his hair back. In his other costume, he wears a blaze uniform.
Chrollo Lucilfer is a calm, handsome young man, coming across as intelligent and charismatic. He seems to be a born leader, able to hold the Phantom Troupe together despite the volatile personalities that make up the group, and well versed in strategies.
During his time in Yorknew City, he uses his calm presence and communication abilities to assume another personality in order to gain Neon Nostrade's trust.
The only people Chrollo seems to care about are his fellow members in the Phantom Troupe. When Chrollo reads Neon's prophecy which contained Uvogin's death, he cries for him. Later on he orchestrates a massacre of Mafia members as a requiem to his fallen comrade. Besides that, he shows no fear of his own death, even anticipating it. Another Hunter, Senritsu, states that his heartbeat sounded as if he was living with death, and apparently appears sadistically happy with it. To Chrollo, the Phantom Troupe are more important than his own life. In a group meeting, Chrollo stresses that the importance of a leader only extends to issuing commands, but the survival of the group comes before the well-being of the leader. To paraphrase him, the head of the spider is just another limb that can be sacrificed for the survival of the spider. By the end of the Phantom Troupe Story Arc, Chrollo's heart is bound by the Stake of Retribution on Kurapika's Judgment Chain. This will pierce through his heart and kill him immediately under either of the following conditions:
He tries to use his Nen
He communicates directly with any member of the Phantom Troupe. (Kuroro is able to talk to Hisoka after Hisoka removed the fake spider tattoo on his back, proving that he had been deceiving the Phantom Troupe all along. He was never a true member.)
Instead of killing him, Kurapika renders him powerless in order to contain the Phantom Troupe. He sets off to the east in order to fulfill the prophecy given him by Neon. The destination to the east in the prophecy is later revealed to be Greed Island, the likely place to find a Nen-remover to neutralize Kurapika's chain. Chrollo obtains the game and recruits Hisoka to enter it for him since the game requires the ability to use Nen. Hisoka happily complies for the chance to fight Kuroro once his power is restored. A nen remover is found and recruited by the members of the Phantom Troupe, but the the use of his ability leaves a 'nen worm' wrapped around the body of the patient, with the size of the worm proportional to the strength of the nen removed. It is not shown whether Kurapika's Judgment Chain was removed from his heart.
Chrollo is injured, while fighting the assassins.
Chrollo is either the seventh strongest in physical power or the Third of the Troupe; one of the assassins hired by the mafia community even noted that he could have easily ripped off Neon Nostrade's head if he had used his full strength. Chrollo is a quick thinker and very able-bodied. His ability to fend off the attacks of the two most powerful members of the Zoldyck family of assassins at once is proof of his fighting skill and strength. During their fight, the only injury that he recieved was a cut on his left cheek. Zeno states that he would undoubtedly defeat Kuroro in a one-versus-one fight, but remarks that it would be a different matter if Chrollo was truly trying to kill him, instead of trying to steal his abilities. His vast book of abilities also gives him great insight into the abilities of others in combat and strategy (such as when he deduced Kurapika having the ability to impose rules on others with his Judgment Chain).
Nen Ability
Chrollo's Book
Chrollo's nen category is Specialization, and is ability is a combination of the other five types, but in a way that no normal nen-user can use. In the manga Zeno states that he was first a conjurer, this may be true since he would have to first conjure his book and set certain rules and restrictions to it to make it as powerful as it is. Chrollo's Nen Ability is called Skill Hunter (スキルハンター - "盗賊の極意") lit, Essence of Theft. It allows him to steal the Nen Abilities of other people to use them as his own using a book known as the "Bandit's Secret." The theft victim, of course, no longer has access to his ability. The theft happens under strict conditions:
He must witness the nen ability in action with his eyes.
He must ask about the ability and be answered by the victim.
His victim's palm must touch the handprint on the cover of Bandit's Secret.
All of the above must be done within an hour.
To use one of the stolen abilities, he first conjures Bandit's Secret and turns to the page of the wanted ability. While using an ability, Chrollo must turn to the page with the ability on it and the book must remain opened in his right hand. Additionally, an ability vanishes from the book if its former owner dies.
Known Nen Abilities in the Book
The ability to teleport a person back and forth from one place to another, without that person's consent. He uses it on Nobunaga when he is about to attack Hisoka, as quarrels inside the Spider are supposed to be either solved verbally or, if no solution can be found, by coin flipping.
Indoor Fish.
Indoor Fish:
A conjured fish that can only survive in a completely sealed room. The fish looks like a skeleton and feeds on human flesh. While the person is being fed on, they neither feel pain or lose blood, and will stay conscious despite being mortally wounded. Once the fish disappears, the usual effects of the wounds manifest, often killing the victim.First used when fighting an assassin hired by Renji.
Chrollo uses Owl's stolen ability, the Funfun cloak.
Fun Fun Cloth:
An ability owned by the Owl, a member of ShadowBeasts. This cloth is conjured, and can increase and decrease in size according to the user's will. Whatever is covered in the cloth decreases in size until it fits in the palm of a hand. The user can make it go back to its original size by letting it out of the bag. People can also be shrunk this way, without being injured.Kuroro obtains this ability while the Troupe tortured the Owl after they captured him to find out how he hid the auction pieces they intended to steal.
An ability stolen from Neon Nostrade. It creates accurate predictions of future events. The user cannot predict their own future. The ability requires:
A Person's Full Name
Their Date of Birth
Their Blood Type
The target person writes the required information on a piece of paper, then hands it to the abilities user, who then calls the "Lovely Ghost Writer", a sort of green monster that attaches to the user's arm and moves his pen. The user does not know what he writes, being in a trance-like state.
The prophecies take the form of poetry, composed of 4 or 5 quatrains each corresponding to every week of the month. The first stanza is always about something that has already happened.
Neon refuses to read her own predictions, feeling it would spoil her ability, but Chrollo
has his predictions read out by the addressees, but some of them proved to be inaccurate due to it being read right in front of Kuroro. If the person does not know the full information needed they can not have their written hence the reason why Feitan was the only member without a prophecy.
Conjuring his Book
After the battle with the Zoldycks
as a hostage to Kurapika
Chrollo Lucilfer
Bonolenov (ボノレノフ,Bonorenofu?) dresses partially in bandages and looks like a mummy. These bandages cover up a mass number of holes throughout his body. During the chimera ant arc, he was seen fighting with the rest of the Phantom Troupe against the chimera ants. Very little is known about his personality and reasons for joining the Troupe, but in the fight with the chimera ants he displays a mocking and confident attitude. His physical power ranks eighth among the Troupe,[5] and he is the thirteenth Troupe member. Bonolenov is a descendant of the Gyudondond, a small wild tribe that was chased out of their lands by development. When males of the Gyudondond tribe reach the age of three, they are circumcised and needles are inserted in various parts of their body. Over time, these needles are replaced with thicker and thicker sticks, and the holes are stabilized with bamboo stalks or stones. Using these holes, Gyudondond males are able to create a variety of sounds. They are called "Bap," the dancing warriors, and fulfill the role of shamans and performers in their tribe. Before combat, they use their bodies to play songs of battle. The Gyudondond believe that the more beautiful a sound that is played, the greater the spirit it can summon.
Main story:
First Appearance:
Anime episode 51
Hair Color:
it grows when he activates his nen abilities
Eye Color:
Phantom Troupe member # 13
Nen Abilities:
Battle Cantabile
Bonolenov (ボノレノフ, Bonorenofu) dresses partially in bandages and looks like a mummy. These bandages cover up a mass number of holes throughout his body. During the chimera ant arc, he was seen fighting with the rest of the Phantom Troupe against the chimera ants. He is the 8th strongest and the 13th troupe member
Bonolenov is a descendant of the Gyudondond, a small wild tribe that was chased out of their lands by development. When males of the Gyudondond tribe reach the age of three, they are circumcized and needles are inserted in various parts of their body. Over time, these needles are replaced with thicker and thicker sticks, and the holes are stabilized with bamboo stalks or stones. Using these holes, Gyudondond males are able to create a variety of sounds. They are called "Bap," the dancing warriors, and fulfill the role of shamans and performers in their tribe. Before combat, they use their bodies to play songs of battle. The Gyudondond believe that the more beautiful a sound that is played, the greater the spirit it can summon.
Very little is known about his personality and reasons for joining the Troupe, but in the fight with the chimera ants he displays a mocking and confident attitude.
- Battle Cantabile: Bonolenov plays music through the holes on his skin during battle, with different songs creating different Nen effects, such as the transformation of his own body or the conjuration of objects. Two different effects of his ability have been shown: the Prologue and the Jupiter.
The Prologue allows him to conjure warrior gear onto his body, along with a spear.
The Jupiter allows him to conjure a giant boulder (with the appearance of the planet of Jupiter) and crush his enemies.
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, nen (ki-like energy), can play music through the holes on his skin, different songs create different nen effects, these include the transformation of his body (known as The Prologue, this allows him to conjure warrior gear onto his body, along with a spear) and conjuration (known as The Jupiter, this allows him to conjure a giant boulder with the appearance of the planet of Jupiter and crush his enemies)
His mocking and confident attitude could affect the way in which he battles.
Feitan (フェイタン?) is attired in what one would expect from a bandit—dark clothes partnered with a skullhead scarf that covers his mouth. Feitan seldom speaks, but when he does, it is full of grammatical errors; giving the appearance that he is not speaking in his native tongue. During the Phantom Troupe's fight with Chimera Ants, Feitan reverted back to his native language which was shown with Chinese characters. He is one of the original members hailing from Meteor City. After Feitan's victory over Zazan in Meteor City, he has been granted temporary control over the Phantom Troupe. Feitan is an assassin down to his core, and is quite skilled at his profession. His movement is incredibly fast; Feitan is able to leave afterimages of his body due to his rapid steps. He wields an umbrella that conceals both a sword and a gun that can fire at the metal tip for a surprise attack. Feitan is the fifth strongest in physical power of the Troupe.[5]
He has the nen ability called "Pain Packer" which basically transforms his injuries he has received from his enemy into an attack. The more pain he had received the stronger the type of Pain Packer released. Currently, only "Scorching Sun" has been revealed. Which basically a miniature sun that burns anyone around him disregarding even alies, as shown by rest of the Phantom Troupe fleeing from the scene when he uses this ability. Only Feitan is unaffected by the attack inflicted upon by the type of "Pain Packer" pressumably because of the armor formed by his ability. He is voiced by Meredith Taylor-Parry in the English dub.He is a joker.
Feitan (フェイタン) is attired in what one would expect from a bandit—dark clothes partnered with a skullhead scarf that covers his mouth. Feitan is a member of the infamous Phantom Troupe, and is one of the many antagonists in Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Feitan's first language most likely Chinese, as he is rather proficient in speaking it. He is often seen in the anime and manga reading Trevor Brown art books. Feitan appears to be left-handed and seemingly ambidextrous as he is seen holding his sword in his left hand until it is broken and then switches to using his right hand. When Chrollo used Neon's ability to predict the members of the Troupes' fortunes; Feitan's prediction was not revealed, along with Phinks' and Kortopi's due to lack of information since Feitan doesn't know the date of his birth. After defeating Zazan, the self-proclaimed queen of the Chimera Ants, he became de facto leader over the Phantom Troupe, until Chrollo gets his nen powers back.
Feitan is one of the original members of the Phantom Troupe along with Franklin, Machi, Pakunoda, Chrollo Lucilfer, Nobunaga Hazama, and Uvogin that originated from Meteor City (流星街 Ryuuseigai), a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts who refuse to be part of the society. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. It is also stated in manga and anime that the original members of the Phantom Troupe had something to do with the bad blood between the Mafia and the Meteor born people of Shooting Star. Why the Troupe left the city is a mystery. Later, the group was joined by more members, in accordance with Chrollo's idea of a group comprising of exactly thirteen members, including himself.
Younger Feitan seems to be the calmer, quiet member of the Phantom Troupe, but he is really the darkest and the cruelest of them all. Feitan has shown to be a torture addict and sadist pervert combined. Throughout the series, he has been shown expressing his sadism to others, like when he threatened Gon, by ripping his nails and then breaking his arm. Feitan has also shown to be very proficient in the art of torture, as seen when Uvogin was talking to Chrollo on the phone about the Mafia auctioneer, whom they had kidnapped and interrogated, and said that "since it was Feitan doing the interrogating, it should be correct." in which Feitan replied that "I feel most sorry for him". He has also shown to be very loyal to Chrollo, and even asked Nobunaga to apologize, when he misheard his remark about Hisoka being stronger than Chrollo. He also has a short temper, shown when Zazan injured him he got very angry to which even used his special ability. He was also upset when Machi wouldn`t let him and Phinks go after Kurapika. Feitan seems to work best with Phinks, as he seems to get along very well with him and is often paired with him during battles.
Feitan has a small stature, fairly long hair, and and is seen wearing dark clothes that contains his trademark skull crest that covers his mouth. Feitan's spider tattoo, has yet to be revealed.
Feitan is also hinted to be very strong since when he was fighting Zazan, the other Troupe members commented that although his overall movements had gotten better he was still far from his best. Amongst the Troupe, he is the fifth strongest in physical power, and well capable of snapping the necks of his viticms. He is also capable of moving at extreme speeds, going so quicly he leaves after images. Kalluto commented that he couldn't count the number of feints that Feitan used against his battle with Zazan and was astounded at how fast Feitan was, stating that it was at another level. Zazan even wondered what he was as he speed rose during their entire battle.
Feitan has even shown that he is fully capable of using a sword in combat, hidden in his umbrella.
A Concealed Sword
Feitan keeps his cane sword disgused as an umbrella. When it is sheath, the Umbrella in turn is revealed to be a firearm.
Nen Ability
Feitan's category has never been revealed, but his special ability is called Pain Packer, in which causes great pain to his victims. All of the damage that he has received in battle is converted into high temperatures and is emitted into the air in an attack called the Rising Sun, the emitted aura is turned into a miniature sun that burns the target, this attack has a very wide radius which ensures his opponent doesn't escape.
Pain Packer
Pain Packer burning ZazanThis is his special attack, in which he mimics the properties of a ball of fire, and then conjures a body armor that protects him from being burnt from a giant sun created from his nen. The sun burns hotter the more injured Feitan has been by attacks. In the manga, it is also hinted that there are various forms of the Pain Packer. Feitan only uses this ability when he is angry and he will even disregard his comrades' safety when using it. Pain Packer as the name suggests uses the pain Feitan recieved from wounds and injuries as fuel so the more damage his body acquires the faster and hotter the inceneration will become granting his opponents a more "painless death". Since he transforms pain into heat energy using his aura he's probably a transmuter (similar on how Killua shocks himself with electricity to transform the property of his aura into lightning shocks).
Conjured Armor
Nen Armor
Feitan can conjure an armor that has a special ability to protect himself from the intense heat of his own offensive ability Pain Packer( this is an emission type ability) .It also has Kuroro Lucifer's Trademark inverted cross patterned all around
Franklin (フランクリン,Furankurin?) is very large, with multiple facial scars. Franklin acts as a care-giver to Shizuku and shows concern for her well-being. He is also composed and respectful, normally breaking up arguments and fights within the organization. He never hesitates to kill; he murders many auction attendees. Franklin ranks fourth in physical power among the Troupe, and he is among the original members hailing from Meteor City.[5] Franklin is voiced by Yoshinobu Kaneko.. Has the nen ability to project nen bullets from the tip of his fingers.
Franklin (フランクリン, Furankurin) has the appearance of a hulking, Frankensteinian monster, complete with scars and sewn-up wounds that ravage his face. Franklin ranks fourth in physical power among the Troupe, and he is among the original members hailing from Meteor City.
Younger Franklin
Franklin is an original member of Troupe that hail Meteor City/Shooting Star City. It is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts that refuse to be part of society. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. It is also stated in manga and anime that original members of the Genei Ryodan had something to do with the bad blood between the Mafia and the Meteor born people of Shooting Star. Why the Troupe left the city is a mystery. Later, the group was joined by more members, in accordance with Chrollo's idea of a group comprising of exactly thirteen members, including himself.
It does seem though, that beneath his harsh exterior lies a small, caring spot in his character, as Franklin acts as a care-giver to Shizuku and shows concern for her well-being. He is also composed and respectful, normally breaking up arguments and fights within the organization. At the same time, Franklin is not "soft"; he never hesitates to kill, even reveling in combat, and is never hesitant when in difficult situations.
Nen Ability
Nen Type: Emission
Franklin is an Emission user of the Phantom Troupe. His nen ability is called the Dual Machine Gun,
Dual Machine Gun: His two hands become openings similiar to those of shotguns, and through which he can expel auraballs (nen balls) to attack. He could also throw his balls without using the openings of his fingers, but because it's much more impressive, he cuts his own fingers. In actuality, it allowed his nenballs to reach a higher level. The determination and the restrictions play a very important role in the progress of the power of the nen.
Read more
Very little is known about Koltopi (コルトピ,Korutopi?). Exceptionally short in stature, he also has a thick and messy mane of green hair covering his entire head, obscuring everything except for an occasional glimpse of his left eyeball. He is the weakest in the Troupe in terms of raw physical power.[5] In fact, his nen abilities so far suggest that he is not involved in combat at all, but rather theft and subterfuge. Has the nen ability to make perfect copies of everything he touches.
First Appearance:
Anime episode 51
Voiced By:
Tenjin, Umi
Hair Color:
Light blue
Eye Color:
Blues/ violete
Phantom Troupe #?
Nen Abilities:
Gallery fake
Kortopi (コルトピ, Korutopi) is exceptionally short in stature, he also has a thick and messy mane of green hair covering his entire head, obscuring everything except for an occasional glimpse of his left eyeball. Kortopi is voiced by Umi Tenjin.
Very little is known about Kortopi, or when he joined the Phantom Troupe. But it would seem that he too participated in the Kuruta clan massacre.
He is the weakest in the Troupe in terms of raw physical power. In fact, his nen abilities so far suggest that he is not involved in combat at all, but rather theft, sabotage, and forging. Nen Ability
Kortopi is the Phantom Troupe's Conjurer and is able to materialize a perfect copy of any non-living object that he touches. His ability to conjure is considered to be on another level by Killua. However, all of his materialized objects will automatically disappear after 24 hours. His nen ability is called Gallery Fake - "Divine Left Hand, Demonic Right Hand".
Gallery Fake - "Divine Left Hand, Demonic Right Hand"
When Kortopi touches an object with his left hand, his nen ability allows him to make an exact replica of that object with his right hand. He cannot replicate living things except as inanimate objects (making it likely that he created the fake corpses of his fellow members), and Kortopi is also unable to replicate another user's nen. His nen is so powerful he can replicate up to 50 large buildings encoded with En (Which is known to be exhausting) to tack anyone who infiltrates their HQ . The replicas that he creates vanish after 24 hours, regardless of their size. However, before their disappearance, Korutopi is able to track the movements of each and every copied object (provided that he touched the originals).
Machi (マチ?) seems to be one of the coldest members of the Phantom Troupe. Hisoka seems to have an occasional interest with her, although it is hard to see whether it is genuine, given Hisoka's unpredictability. She is incredibly loyal to Kuroro, and is one of the original Phantom Troupe members from Meteor City. Physically, she is the strongest woman in the Troupe and the sixth strongest overall.[5] Machi is voiced by Noriko Namiki.
Machi (マチ?) is one of the members of the legendary Genei Ryodan, a gang of thieves with class A bounties. She is one of many antagonists in the Troupe.
Younger MachiMachi is 19 years old and is one of the original members along with Chrollo, Feitan, Franklin, Nobunaga, Pakunoda and that hail from Meteor City/Shooting Star City. It is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts that refuse to be part of society. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. It is also stated in the manga and anime that the original members of the Phantom Troupe had something to do with the bad blood between the Mafia and the Meteor born people of Shooting Star. Why the Troupe left the city is a mystery. Later, the group was joined by more members, in accordance with Chrollo's idea of a group comprising of exactly thirteen members, including himself.
Not known to show much emotions, Machi seems to be one of the coldest members of the Phantom Troupe. Hisoka regards both Machi and her abilities with keen interest, though Machi considers Hisoka a pest at best and a potential enemy of Chrollo's at worst. Chrollo trusts her instincts very well because they are usually accurate. She is incredibly loyal to Chrollo and stated that she will hunt Hisoka down if he were to kill Chrollo.
Machi with her hair down.
Machi's kunoichi outfit.
Machi is one of the few Phantom Troupe members that prefers to wear traditional japanese-style clothing. She looks like a modern day kuniochi (female ninja). Her usual outfit consists of cycling spats matched with a short-sleeved uwagi, an Obi is worn around her waist and a obijime is tied over it, along with a pair of fingerless gloves, tabi shoes/socks with zōri, and leg warmers that's worn from the ankle that can reach up to her knees. She has purple mid-back length hair that she prefers to be tied into a ponytail and is always seen wearing lipstick.
Heaven's Arena
She makes her first appearance in Heaven's Arena watching the fight between Hisoka and Kastro. When the duel was over she charged Hisoka to pay-up after patching up both of his severed arms. She then watched Hisoka's fight againts Gon. After it was finished she then finally gave the message to Hisoka that the Troupe will be gathering in Yorknew City.
Yorknew City
Machi in disguise.
Machi is seen again with Franklin, Nobunaga, and Feitan on their way to Yorkshin. When Uvogin was captured by Kurapika she used a needle and her nen thread to follow them by car but was delayed by the Shadow Beasts. When Uvogin did not return when he tried to hunt down Kurapika, she and Nobunaga posed as a couple in the attempt to lure out the "chain user" (Kurapika) but instead was stalked by Gon and Killua. She is also among the troupe members that wrecked havoc on the Mafia. She is with Chrollo and Shizuku when they were chasing after Sukuwara who has the copy of the Scarlet Eyes Kortopi made, where they caught Gon again who was tailing them. She was injured by Killua after their escape attempt in the hotel where the troupe realised their leader was abducted by Kurapika afterwards. She was among the members that was in vote for Chrollo's safe return in the hostage exchange negotiations standing up against Phinks and Feitan who want to stop Pakunoda who they suspect that both she and Pakunoda are already under Kurapika's control.
Greed Island
When the troupe located the nen eraser in the island, she was asked by Hisoka what she'll do if he beats Chrollo after the chain of retribution has been removed where she answers him that Chrollo will never be beaten by him.
Machi is from the Transformation group since she can mimic the properties of threads which can only be seen using Gyo. She can use these threads to sew open wounds and completely reattach severed limbs instantly. She can manipulate these threads with great accuracy. In combat she uses them to capture or strangle her enemies, and she can also use the threads to set up a trap controlling dead bodies into shooting mafia members. The longer the thread the stronger it is.
Other Abilities
Strong Muscle Control
She seems to have excellent control over her muscles as Killua was not able to retrieve his hand immediately when he stabbed her with his fingers which lead to his eventual capture.
Sharp Intuition
Machi has incredibly accurate hunches or intuition , most of the Troupe members usually trust them to be true and she has never been wrong before so far.
Machi waits while Uvogin battles with the Mafia
Machi in Greed Island OVA
Greed Island OVA
Machi delivers a message from Chrollo
Nobunaga Hazama
Nobunaga Hazama (ノブナガ ハザマ?) has the appearance similar to the ronin warriors in Edo period Japan, complete with a long katana that he uses with great finesse and skill. Nobunaga specializes in combining nen with the use of his katana in executing enemies. His best friend is Ubogin, and the two bring out the best in each other during combat. Seeing some of Ubogin's personality in Gon, he expressed interest in having Gon join the Troupe, though Gon adamantly refused. Nobunaga ranks ninth in physical power among the Troupe, and is one of the original members from Meteor City.[5] Nobunaga Hazama is voiced by Takashi Matsuyama. he is also a killer.
Nobunaga Hazama (ノブナガ=ハザマ,) is one of the original Phantom Troupe members that hail from Meteor City. Nobunaga ranks ninth in physical power among the Troupe, and is one of the original members from Meteor City.
Younger NobunagaNobunaga is one of the Troupe's founding members along with Chrollo Lucilfer,,Feitan,Franklin, Machi , Pakunoda and Uvogin of the Troupe that originated from Meteor City (流星街 Ryuuseigai). Meteor City is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. In the manga and anime it is stated that the people of Meteor City or Shooting Star City were once allies of the Mafia Community, since the people of Meteor City had no records of their existence, and they were called upon the mafia to do jobs for them. But it would later go all bad, and it is hinted that their was a war between the two. The Phantom Troupe seem to have helped the people of the junkyard city to win the conflict. Chrollo then added more members to the Troupe, 13 exactly including himself.
Nobunaga is fairly calm for the most part, but can be brash and get into conflicts with the other troupe members at times. He is good friends with Uvogin whom he knew long before the Phantom Troupe was founded.Nobunaga is said by Franklin to be more effective fighting on his own, contrary to Uvogin who gets stronger if he fights for the sake of others. this often causes the two to get to each other's throats, despite this however the two bring out the best in each other during combat. He is also has some decent skill in deducing, having the same theory as Shalnark about Kurapika upon Uvogin's disappearance. He has great respect to Chrollo's leadership stating that he gets always outwitted by him.
He also does not like Hisoka much because he thinks he sold out Uvogin to Kurapika but does recognize his fighting and nen abilities as being tough to beat. Seeing some of Uvogin's personality in Gon, he expressed interest in having Gon join the Troupe, where Gon refused twice.
Nobunaga usually wears a classic Japanese style robe and shortpants,while his belly and ankles are tied up inside by a sarashi. He has long hair that he ties into a single topknot and leaves his beard and mustache unshaved.His sword almost never leaves his side.
Machi and Nobunaga on a "date" with vengeance
On his way to Yorknew, he got into a fist fight with Franklin, leaving his and Franklin's face in their meeting in bruises. He got in a small disagreement with Uvogin before his man-hunt against Kurapika which they settled by coin-toss. When Uvogin did not return he and Machi hanged out together in the open in an attempt to lure out Kurapika but were followed by Gon and Killua, whom they capture later on and brought them in their hideout where he ended up taking a liking to Gon,wanting to recommend him for membership when to Chrollo gets back. He kept watch over them alone until night fall when the two found a way to escape. When he heard about Hisoka's fortune from Chrollo's newest stolen ability, he got into a rage that he tried to attack Hisoka but the fight was foiled by Chrollo. He then comes with Chrollo to chase after the fake scarlet eyes Kortopi made that was in Sukuwara's care at the time. After warning Sukuwara that the spider is on their way on his location he tried to escape by car. In the pursuit Chrollo's group splilt up into two teams with Nobunaga chasing after the scarlet eyes. He killed Sukuwara and returned to the hotel to see Gon caught again. After they found out that Chrollo was abducted he had a heated argument with Phinks and Feitan that wanted to follow Pakunoda regardless of Chrollo's safety, where he ended being knocked out by Shizuku.
Greed Island
He was a look out on the Nen remover after Hisoka's dodgeball team-up battle with Gon. He's the one that told Hisoka that Kalluto is his replacement in the group.
Nen / Ability
Nen Category: Enhancement
His special nen ability has not been shown yet, but he does seem favor in the use of "En", because it seems most to suitable with his fighting style.
Nobunaga is a very skilled swordsman. He is skilled in the art of Iaidō which is controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard, striking or cutting an opponent, removing blood from the blade, and then replacing the sword in the scabbard,as stated by Killua.
En Nobunaga is skilled in En which he can spread a circle of 15m but only in the reach of his blade. He states that a true master can spread their En at 50m wide. It is unknown if he can spread it any further then 15 meters, but he has stated that is all how much he needs since using it can be very exhausting because it uses up so much aura.
Pakunoda (パクノダ?) exudes an air of self-confidence that can be intimidating to others. Pakunoda is fully loyal to Kuroro, and even goes against the Phantom Troupe in order to help him. She was killed by Kurapika's Judgement Chain in the climax of the Phantom Troupe arc by violating the restrictions Kurapika placed upon her. Her ability is to read the memories of people she touches. Her secondary ability allows her to transforms memories into the shape of a bullet which she fires into the heads of her companions from a gun. Pakunoda is one of the original Phantom Troupe from Meteor City. Her physical strength is 11th in the Troupe.and was the most likely candidate to become the next head of the Spider if Kuroro died. Pakunoda is voiced by Yoshiko Iseki.
Pakunoda (パクノダ) exudes an air of self-confidence that can be intimidating to others. Pakunoda is fully loyal to Chrollo, and even goes against the Phantom Troupe in order to help him. She was killed by Kurapika's Judgement Chain in the climax of the Phantom Troupe arc by violating the restrictions Kurapika placed upon her, thus becoming the second Phantom Troupe member to die. Pakunoda is one of the original Phantom Troupe from Meteor City. Her physical strength is 11th in the Troupe.
Young Pakunoda
Pakunoda is one of the original members of the Phantom Troupe along with Franklin, Machi, Feitan, Chrollo Lucilfer, Nobunaga Hazama, and Uvogin that originated from Meteor City (流星街 Ryuuseigai). It is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts that refuse to be part of society. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. It is also stated in the manga and anime that original members of the Phantom Troupe had something to do with the bad blood between the Mafia and the Meteor born people of Shooting Star. Why the Troupe left the city is a mystery. Later, the group was joined by more members, in accordance with Chrollo's idea of a group comprising of exactly thirteen members, including himself.
Nen Abilities
Pakunoda is the Phantom Troupe's Specialist, and has a very unique abilty. Her nen ability is called Memory Bomb, in which has the power to read other people's thoughts. She can find out the opponent's nen ability or in situations requiring some form of extortion or blackmail and share information. Shalnark even stated that Pakunoda's abilities are a rare breed.
Memory Bomb (「記憶弾」,lit, Recollection Bullet): Pakunoda is able to read the conscious thoughts of any person she is in physical contact with and can extract memories by asking specific questions. Attempting to create false information is impossible, since Pakunoda can extract her target's purest memories. The information she collects is highly useful in exposing weaknesses and secrets, especially in finding out the opponent's nen ability or in situations requiring some form of extortion or blackmail. Pakunoda's ability can also be used to see the recent past of an object. Pakunoda also has the ability to share her memories by shooting them into another person's head using a revolver and materialized Nen Bullets. This is not a combat ability, and does no damage. However if she shoots someone with a memory of their own, it is erased indefinitely. Before the only other person than Pakunoda that knew about her ability to share information to others was Chrollo.
Phinks (フィンクス,Finkusu?) is a genius when it comes to unarmed combat. Phinks uses his hands in battle, which has been shown to be extremely powerful. He is rather brash and have a tendency to get into conflicts with other people. Phinks is one of the Phantom Troupe members that originated from Meteor City. He first appears in a jogging suit but later changed into an Egyptian suit. Phinks seems to get along best with Feitan, and is almost always seen partnered with him both in and out of combat. In terms of physical strength, Phinks is ranked second among the Troupe members.[5] Phinks is voiced by Yoshiaki Matsumoto. His nen ability is dependent upon how many times he rotates his arm. The more he rotates his arm, the more powerful his attack will be.
Phinks (フィンクス, Finkusu) is a genius when it comes to unarmed combat. Phinks uses his hands in battle, which he has shown to be extremely powerful. He is rather brash and has a tendency to get into conflicts with other people. He first appears in an Egyptian Suit but later changed into a jogging suit. Phinks seems to get along best with Feitan, and is almost always seen partnered with him both in and out of combat. In terms of physical strength, Phinks is ranked second among the Troupe members.
Nen Ability
Nen Type: Enhancement
Phinks is the second strongest in physical strength. His nen ability is called the Ripper Cyclotron.
Powers and Abilities:
Super strength, super speed, nen (ki-like energy), as he is an Enhancer he can greatly increase his physical attack and defense, and is best suited for close-melee combat, and is a genius in plain hand to hand combat.
Weaknesses: He is rather brash and has a tendency to get into conflicts with other people.
Ripper Cyclotron:
When Phinks rotates his arm in a cirular motion, his punches' strength increases with each rotation. It may be a new ability because one time he states that he cannot calibrate it very well yet.
in Greed Island
Before entering Greed Island
in an Auction
Member number 9 of the Troupe. From his appearance, Shalnark (シャルナーク,Sharunāku?) seems to be a normal boy. However, Shalnark is one of the most intelligent and quick-thinking members in the group—he is adept at using computers, information gathering, and providing the brains behind the brawn. Shalnark is also a licensed Hunter, so he has access to certain information that could be potentially useful in the Phantom Troupe. Shalnark ranks tenth in physical power among the Troupe.
Shalnark (シャルナーク, Sharunāku) seems to be a normal boy. However, Shalnark is one of the most intelligent and quick-thinking members in the group—he is adept at using computers, information gathering, and has vast knowledge of Nen abilities and providing the brains behind the brawn. Shalnark is also a licensed Hunter, so he has access to certain information that could be potentially useful in the Phantom Troupe.
Not much is known about Shalnark past but seems to have originated from Meteor City like all the other members of the Troupe. It seems that at one point in his life he took the Hunter exam before and became a licensed Hunter.
Shalnark at first appears to be a normal person, but is really a member of the Genei Ryodan. He is highly intelligent and thinks quickly on his feet. He is fond of electronics, and considers those he controls with his phone to be "toys". He expresses a dislike for his autopilot mode not just because of the resulting pain, but because he never remembers his actions in that mode, meaning that he misses out on watching his opponents die.
In the anime, he, out of all of the Genei Ryodan, seems to be the most normal and well-adjusted. In the manga, however, he is almost never shown not smiling, notable exceptions being pouting when one of his "toys" (read, controlled victims) gets "broken" (read: killed), scowling when people handle electronics carelessly, and looking highly unsettled when He is alerted by Feitan that Ubogin had not come back from his solo mission to kill Kurapika. In the Chimera Ant arc, when an ant tries to subvert Shalnark to their side, he explains, grinning all the while, that he likes Kuroro, and working for Kuroro, and that he doesn't much like the ants, and he would rather die than work for someone he doesn't like.
In terms of appearance, Shalnark wears a red colored shirt with writings on it, with beige colored shorts and shirt underneath. He also has brown hair and green eyes.
Shalnark ranks tenth in physical power among the Troupe, and is well capable enough to defend himself in hand to hand combat. He is also smart enough to hack into computers and provide information to the members as well as analyzing an opponents abilities on the spot.
Nen Ability
Shalnark is the Manipulator of the Phantom Troupe, and generally requires certain conditions to be met before the user is able to control the targeted object, and being fully able to completely and utterly control the body of any person he has targeted (this however requires a special antenna to be placed on them), and by placing an antenna on himself, Shalnark can give himself instructions and can, through this, greatly enhance his physical attributes
Black Voice - Shalnark is able to completely control the actions of any person he has targeted, as long
Black Voice in actionas he's placed a special antenna on them. This is done via a cellphone interface in which he remotely controls his target from a distance, while pointing the cell phone at the antenna planted on the victim.
Autopilot - By placing an antenna on himself and then giving instructions or a task to be performed by him (along the lines of nen-based self-hypnosis), Shalnark can enter Autopilot and temporarily gain immense strength to perform the task given. Once Shalnark has entered Autopilot, he cannot withdraw from it until the task he instructed himself has been accomplished. After leaving Autopilot, Shalnark experiences intense muscle pain for two or three days.
Shizuku (シズク,Shizuku?) is extremely forgetful. If she forgets something, she will never remember it no matter how others may try to remind her.[7] She can be an airhead at times which, along with her unassuming appearance, can cause her opponents to underestimate her combat abilities. Shizuku used her her vacuum "deme-chan" in combat as well as using it to clean the area of the battle. Shizuku is also left-handed,[8] and the twelfth strongest physically out of the 13 members of the Troupe.[5] Shizuku is the eighth member in the Phantom Troupe, a replacement for the last member since the Troupe came together. Shizuku is voiced by Atsuko Bungo.
Shizuku (シズク, Shizuku) is extremely forgetful. If she forgets something, she will never remember it no matter how others may try to remind her. Shizuku is left-handed, and the twelfth physically strongest out of the 13 members of the Troupe. Shizuku is the eighth member in the Phantom Troupe, She is a replacement for the unnamed member (having been theoretically assasinated by Silva Zoldyck three years before the events on Yorknew, with the 4th being challenged and replaced by Hisoka) since the Troupe came together.
She is EXTREMELY forgetful, to the point of having short-term memoryloss, sometimes she doesn't remember people's names, or even that she'd met them at all. She can be an airhead at times which, along with her unassuming appearance, can cause her opponents to underestimate her combat abilities. Shizuku is rather mild-mannered and nice, and believes in the rules that Chrollo has made about the Phantom Troupe such as it is against members fighting one another.
Shizuku wears casual looking clothing consisting of a black turtle neck sweater and a pair of jeans. She has short layered hair, and is always seen wearing her black framed glasses and necklace with an inverted cross that has a similar design to the insignia behind Chrollo Lucilfer's trench coat as well as Feitan's battle armor. A pair of bracelets is worn over her sweater sleeves one on each of her wrists. Her spider tatoo is located on the lower-left of her abdomen.
She first met Gon's group on a "conditional auction" in a arm wrestling match against Gon to win a diamond ring, while on her way to attend the Phantom Troupe's assembly on Yorknew City. Her main role in their attack in the underground auction is to clean-up their trace after their heist.
Greed Island
She was in Kortopi and Shalnark's group to study how the island's system works, to which they found out that the special items in the game can't be inhaled by Deme-chan because they are made out of nen but it can inhale the common inanimate items. She is also present when Razor used the gamemaster-only spell card "Eliminate" when her group tried to enter the game illegally.
Chimera Ant Arc
She makes her latest appearance in Meteor City fighting against a chimera ant called Pike which she defeats. She's the last one to arrive in Zazan's duel against Feitan.
Nen Ability
Nen category: Conjuration
Shizuku's ability allows her to conjure a vacuum cleaner that allows the Phantom Troupe to clean up any dirty jobs that draw unwanted attention to the Troupe.
Deme-chan (デメちゃん, Blinky in the English dub)
Shizuku can conjure a vancuum cleaner that she calls "Deme-chan" which can suck up any number of non-living objects (this is often used for cleaning up evidence of their activities, such as blood and corpses) can also be used to sweep out planted enemy traps. She can also use Deme-chan's abilities to remove foreign objects (such as metals, poison or gas) out of a person's body as a method of healing, In battle Deme-chan is used as a club and is capable of making it appear and disaapear in her hands as she pleases, with the teeth on the mouth being capable of inflicting wounds (during a fight with the chimera ant Pike, Shizuka is also shown using Deme-chan to suck steams of blood from the chimera ant's wounds, exsanguinating him),which makes Shizuku's nen abilty to be considered "rare".
Weaknesses: Very forgetful and can be an airhead, so as a result she usually underestimates her opponents, no object consumed by Deme-chan can be retrieved except for the last object that was sucked in.
Ubogin (ウヴォーギン,Uvōgin?, romanized as Ubolgin in japanese version) was one of the original members of the Troupe from the Meteor City. Out of all of the Phantom Troupe, he was the strongest in terms of raw physical power.[5] Uvogin was so strong, direct hits from bullets, sniper bullets, and even anti-tank rockets will do no visible damage to him.[9] Like all of the Troupe, Uvogin never hesitated to kill and particularly enjoyed combat against skilled opponents. Although he preferred to fight alone, Ubogin became stronger when fighting with a partner because he fought better when there was someone else to protect (although he would never admit this).[10] Seeking revenge on Kurapika for capturing him after his battle with the Shadow Beasts, Uvogin tracked Kurapika to the hotel where Neon Nostrade and the rest of her bodyguards were staying. They fought one-on-one in a small canyon on the outskirts of Yorknew City. Kurapika eventually captured Uvogin with his Chain Jail, and questioned him about the location and abilities of the other Phantom Troupe members. Uvogin refused to answer any questions, only telling Kurapika, "Kill me." Finally, Kurapika pierced Uvogin's chest with the Judgement Chain ability, giving Uvogin the condition that he must answer all questions truthfully. Kurapika once again asks Uvogin the location of the other Troupe members, to which Uvogin only smiled and said to Kurapika "Go to hell, you bastard." Kurapika's Judgement Chain pierces Uvogin's heart, instantly killing him. Uvogin is buried in an unmarked grave at the site of their battle. He was formerly the eleventh member of the Troupe.
Main story:
Kanji Title: ウボォーギン Romaji Title: Ubōgin
Seiyu: Eiji Takemoto
Gender: Male Age: 29 (deceased)
Birthday: Unknown
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: ?
Height: 258 cm
Weight: 189 kg
Blood Type: B
Occupation(s): Phantom Troupe Member # 11
Type: Enchancement Nen Ability:
Big Bang Impact
Enhanced Shout
Ubogin (ウボォーギン, Ubōgin) also nicknamed Ubo, is the strongest physical fighter in the Phantom Troupe. Although he prefers to fight alone, Ubogin becomes stronger when fighting with a partner because he fights better when there is someone else to protect (although he would never admit this).He was is the eleventh member of the Troupe. He's also the first member of the Phantom Troupe to be killed by Kurapica.
Ubogin is one of the original members along with Feitan, Machi, Franklin, Nobunaga, Pakunoda and Chrollo are the first Troupe member that comes from Meteor City. It is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts that refuse to be part of society. People who live there do not exist in any official records, and the existence of the city itself is known to very few people. It is also stated in the manga and anime that the original members of the Phantom Troupe had something to do with the bad blood between the Mafia and the Meteor born people of Junkyard City. Why the Troupe left the city is a mystery. Later, the group was joined by more members, in accordance with Chrollo's idea of a group comprising of exactly thirteen members, including himself.
Ubogin was your typical Enhancer, that he was determined, head-strong, and simple. Sometimes he was a unrespectful character, often saying unrespectful words. He always rushed into battle without planning, and like all of the Phantom Troupe, he never hesitated to kill and particularly enjoyed to fight against skilled opponents. Ubogin himself is devoid of emotions towards anyone outside of the Genei Ryodan , and he had even stated to Kurapika that when killing someone, he feels no remorse. Uvogin did however have a good relationship with Nobunaga, as they viewed each other as best friends, and even brought the best of each other in combat. He, like all of the other members of the Troupe, was very loyal to Chrollo and the Genei Ryodan , and had never bothered to reveal their location to Kurapika resulting in a swift death.
Uvogin is the tallest member of the Phantom Troupe, and the most muscular one too. Uvo has very long hair, with thick sideburns, and chest hair all over his body. Uvogin's clothing all seemed to have been made from a skinned animal of some kind, and his own boots are also made form the same material. During the Phantom Troupe founding, Uvo previously had an afro, and never had his skinned animal clothes. Uvo's spider tattoo is seen on his back, with the number 11.
Yorknew City Arc
Uvogin first appears with the rest of the Phantom Troupe during their meeting, where Chrollo discusses their plans for the day. He tells everyone that they are going to take every item at the underground auction. Uvogin tells Chrollo that if he's serious since they have the entire Mafia chasing after them. Chrollo then replies if he's scared, but Uvogin tells him that he's only excited. The Troupe then get ready for the auction. Uvogin, Machi, Feitan, Shalnark, Nobunaga, Shizuku, and Franklin head to the auction, while the rest stay behind. The Phantom Troupe arrive at the underground auction, and kill all the guests, but they find out that the items are gone. The rest of the Troupe are forced to leave empty handed, and Uvo phones Chrollo on how they were unable to find the missing items. Uvogin speculates that there might be a Judas amongst them, but Chrollo replies that the Mafia would have to offer them something that they don't already have, and that reason was why there was no auction items was because they neede to be more cautious this time. Uvo tells Chrollo that before they killed the auctioneer, he said that one of the 10 Dons sent one a Shadow Beast named Owl earlier to retrieve the auction goods. Chrollo replies that the 10 Dons by now should realize that are dealing with nen, since they are missing their guest at the auction, and are most likely to send one of the Shadow Beasts after them. Uvo and the rest of the Troupe are later assigned to lure out the said Shadow Beast, by Chrollo, to hopefully find the missing auction items. They all head to the desert and wait for the mafia community to strike. The community, who have found out were they are located, offer them a choice. Uvogin tells the others, that he'll take care of the mafia community, and the Shadow Beasts. Uvogin quickly kills all of the members from the community with ease. Kurapika and the rest of the Nostrade bodyguards watch the carnage from afar, when four Shadow Beasts, and elite nen-using soldiers under the direct command of the Mafia's 10 Dons, arrive to deal with the Troupe. The four Shadow Beasts, Worm, Leech, Rabid Dog, and Porcupine engage in battle with Uvo. Worm however is the first to be killed, by Uvo's Big Bang Impact. Though Uvo does kills one of the Shadow Beasts, he lets his guard down for Rabid Dog to attack. Rabid Dog paralyzes Uvogin with neurotoxin from his fangs after which, Leech infects Uvogin with parasitic leeches. Uvo is then paralyzed from the neck down by the poison, and not only that he has to worry about Leech's leeches. But luckily for him, he is able to use his teeth and lungs, and bites a pourshin Leech's head, thus killing him. Uvo then kills Rabid Dog, by spitting out a small fragment of Leech's skull, and then releases a loud sound wave from this mound, and kills Porcupine. At this moment, Kurapika takes advantage of Uvogin's paralysis, and captures him with the Chain Jail ability, quickly driving away from the canyon with the other bodyguards. Uvogin is than interrogated by Daltzorne, to reveal the information about the other Spiders.
Uvo however is not scared by Daltzorne's threats, and offers him a choice in sparing their lives. Daltzorne refuses Uvogin's offers, and leaves him die in the hands of the Community. The Spiders kill the remaining Shadow Beasts, disguise themselves as Mafia members again, and rescue Uvogin, killing Daltzorne. Kurapika and the other bodyguards escape and leave the base and go into hiding. Seeking revenge on Kurapika for capturing him after his battle with the Shadow Beasts, Uvogin tracked Kurapika to the hotel where Neon Nostrade and the rest of her bodyguards were staying. They fought one-on-one in a small canyon on the outskirts of Yorknew City. Kurapika eventually captures Uvogin with his Chain Jail, and questions him about the location and abilities of the other Phantom Troupe members. Uvogin refuses to answer any questions, only telling Kurapika, "Kill me." Finally, Kurapika pierced Uvogin's chest with the Judgement Chain ability, giving Uvogin the condition that he must answer all questions truthfully. Kurapika once again asks Uvogin the location of the other Troupe members, to which Uvogin only smiles and tells him to go to hell. Kurapika's Judgement Chain pierces Uvogin's heart, instantly killing him. Uvogin is buried in an unmarked grave at the site of their battle.
Uvogin's physical strength is the strongest amongst the Phantom Troupe, and is best suited for close-melee combat. Although he is stronger when fighting with a partner as he has someone to protect (although he doesn't like to admit it). His overall strength is so strong, that direct hits from bullets, sniper cartilages, and even anti-tank rockets will do no visible damage to him. His very own shrieks can even kill someone, if the person is very close to him.
Uvogin is in the Enhancement category, with his most powerful attack called the Big Bang Impact. His Enhancer skills can greatly increase his physical attack and defense. He's also capable of healing himself very easily from the most lethal attacks. Nobunaga even said that Uvogin has mastered the Enhancement category to the fullest extent (100%).
Big Bang Impact:
Uvo's Big Bang Impact is very similar to Gon's Jajanken. He focuses his aura in a fist by using Ko then releases the punch. It is very powerful and can kill a Shadow Beast in one strike. His very goal for the Big Bang Impact was to make it as strong as a nuclear warhead.
Enhanced Shout
Uvo can use his voice as a weapon, which he used to defeat Porcupine from the Shadow Beasts.
Rock Storm
By forcing nen into his hand and lifting the ground under him,Uvo can make a storm of rocks as fast as bullets.
Kalluto has a silent and obedient personality, often seen following what he's told. It was later revealed that he can be a bit of a sadist after his battle with a chimera ant and tells that he is used to enduring.
It is a common misconception that Kalluto is female. Though he wears kimonos (a woman's dress), the manga explicitly states that the Zaoldyeck family has five sons. Also, in the English dub, Kikyo introduced Kalluto to Gon and his friends as a young lad. Further more, the official HxH guide book states that Kalluto is male. According to the manga's creator Yoshihiro Togashi, Kalluto's design was inspired from Hotaru Tomoe from SailorMoon.
Zaoldyeck Estate
Kalluto is first shown after Gon was chased by Mike the Zoldyck family guard pet, but he was initially introduced accompanying his mother during Gon's retrieval of Killua from Kukuroo Mountain.
Kalluto appears again during the Phantom Troupe arc, Where Maha and Kalluto assisted Illumi with the assassination of the ten mafia dons that had placed bounty on the Phantom Troupe's heads. He also used himself as a decoy to help Illumi switch places with Hisoka (who hired Illumi so that he could do battle with Chrollo) in the Spiders' hideout
Greed Island
After the Phantom Troupe's entrance into Greed Island in search for a nen remover, Kalluto was introduced as Hisoka's replacement and it was his abilities that led them into finding the nen remover.
Chimera Ant Arc
During the Phantom Troupe's assault on Zazan's palace in Meteor City, he reveals he joined the Spiders with the intention of finding his missing older brother Alluka. He was left in awe in the phantom troupe's combat proficiency and admits his skills are still lacking compared to them .
Nen Ability
Kalluto has the ability to manipulate paper, using a paper fan and confetti as a weapon.
Surveillance Paper Dolls
Kalluto eavsdropping
By creating a paper doll of a person and attaching a small piece of paper to that person's body, Kalluto can hear anything being said within the vicinity of that person.
Paper Fan blade
Kalluto cuts with a fan
By using Shu, Kalluto can use a paper fan as a cutting instrument capable of cutting steel with ease.
Dancing Serpent's Bite
Serpent Bite
Kalluto also uses Confetti as a weapon. By fanning them at the enemy, he can locate weak points depending on where the confetti sticks. Kalluto then sends a concentrated stream of confetti snaking through the air, cutting or piercing that location on his opponent.
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