Nen is a term characteristic of the manga Hunter × Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. It is the ability to use and manipulates the vital energy (Aura) present in the body of the user.
In the world of Hunter × Hunter, Aura is an energy produced by all living bodies vital for survival. The loss of one's aura is losing the energy keeping the body alive, resulting in death. Aura from all parts of the body has a tendency to flow together, producing one mass of energy. This happens without the individual's awareness, and will simply leak out of their body slowly. The pores or points on the body where aura flows out from are called Shouko (aura nodes). Controling those shouko is the first step to be a user of Nen.
Controlling and seeing
A Nen user trains to manually open and close their shouko so that they can control the flow of their aura. One can learn this process gradually, learning to control the shouko through meditation, or they can receive an influx of aura from an experienced user that forces these shouko to open, forcing the new user to learn to control the flow or risk suffering severe exhaustion or death. The second method is generally frowned upon as it is very dangerous (although far quicker). Once one has opened their shouko, they will be able to see their aura as a shroud surrounding the body. Some people are able to 'discover' and learn to manipulate their aura on their own, without any teaching or guidance from another Nen user.
What affects Nen
Although the production of aura is unconscious and constant by all living beings, it is more than just 'leaky energy'. Aura carries with it the desires and emotions of the one who deploys it, which is what allows for Nen to have incredible versatility to those who develop their skill at using it. Nen is also heavily influenced by mental condition and state. A basic application of this phenomenon is that one can channel their aggression or hatred into their Nen and deploy it towards another person. The other person will then be able to feel that aggression as if it were physically palpable, and if unable to keep it from their own body by deploying their own Nen, may be physically harmed by it.
Conscious strengthening of Nen
Nen responds to the goals and strengths of the desire of its user. As a result, a user can make a commitment that results in an increase in their abilities. If a user, for example, damages their own body in such a way that an individual skill seems more imposing when used, their Nen will become correspondingly more powerful. It is also possible to increase the strength of an individual skill by imposing limits on it. For example, if a user consciously decides something along the lines of "I will only use this skill on Thursdays," or "I will only use this skill against short people," and manage to abide by the rule, that particular skill will become stronger.
Theoretically, the more restrictive the condition, the greater the enhancement in power. It is also implied that restrictions which carry great meaning, or emotional value also bring about a greater benefit.
Furthermore, restrictions which contain some sort of 'punishment' (i.e. "I will die should I break this rule") will strengthen the ability more.
One example of this is the character Kurapika, who swore by death not to use one ability of his, called "chain jail", on anyone but a group known as the Phantom Troupe, more commonly known as the "spiders".
Sensing Nen
When one has developed use of their nen, they become sensitive to the presence of other beings by their deployment of nen. Since every living being creates nen subconsciously, it is a useful skill for those tracking or hunting (both animate and inanimate things). It is also useful in combat, because one can judge the location and relative strength of opponents by the output of their nen. To counter this, techniques that minimize nen output like Zetsu or In are used.
Nen is like any other skill, in that there are those who will learn it faster than others. There are also individuals that can use facilities of nen without having any formal training. This can be anything from being able to use the basic techniques of nen without even realizing it, or unconsciously developing a unique nen ability that can be used without the user really understanding how or why they are able to do so.
Basic Techniques
These are the most fundamental techniques of Nen. Everything else, including a Nen user's specialized skill, is based on the basic manipulations of one's aura flow. These are the first techniques that are taught to any student of Nen.
These basic techniques, in order of study, are: Ten, Zetsu, Ren and Hatsu.
Often, for an experienced person able to use Nen, these basic 'techniques' are second-nature. For example, a beginner must learn to use Ten, and concentrate to maintain it; whereas someone with experience will practically always be in a state of Ten, even during sleep.
Also Nen can be remove by using Nen, they are called the jyonen users, shown in the Greed Island arc. The nen remover was the reason why Hisoka is on Greed Island
Once a person has had their aura nodes opened, they must learn to keep their aura from leaking away from their body. Ten (纏, Envelop) is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it. Having a shroud of aura surround the body is the most basic defense against the physical or emotional attacks from other users of Nen. Ten also may reduce one's aging; since the energy powering the body is no longer leaking away, one can keep the body from breaking down, thus slowing the aging process.
While Ten allows a user to keep aura from leaking away from their body, Zetsu (絕, Suppress) stops the flow of aura from their body altogether. By closing all of their aura nodes, the user is able to stop almost all outflow of their aura. Because the user is no longer surrounded by their own aura, they can become more sensitive to the aura of others. This can be useful when tracking another person, and it will also prevent other users of Nen from noticing them. Zetsu can also be used to restore vitality, since it forces the body's external layer of aura to be fully contained within. However, since Zetsu involves shutting off one's aura, it can be dangerous since it leaves the body defenseless against any aura attack. Even a weak attack enhanced with aura could do massive damage.
Ren (練, Refine) is a direct application of Ten. Since a user is capable of keeping aura from leaking away from the body, it's also possible for them to produce more aura around them without having to worry about losing it. Ren focuses on outputting a high amount of aura and keeping it on the body, expanding the size and intensity of it. This increases the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use.
Hatsu (發, Release) is the release of one's aura so it can be projected to carry out a certain function. In essence, the Hatsu is a special and unique ability that one creates. A good Hatsu should reflect a person's own character; one can never truly master Nen if they only copy other people's abilities. Hatsu has several different categories, and the aura of every individual is aligned with a specific category. Upon learning their affinity, one can set about learning to apply Nen in a unique way that suits their personality, which can develop into a unique skill. A person may also have the ability to use more than one Nen ability, but they may never be able to change their Hatsu type. For example, Gon's Hatsu is enhancement, but he is also capable of using emission and transmutation through his Jajanken technique. However, even though a user may be able to use more than one Hatsu, they can only be adequate at the Hatsu adjacent to his primary Hatsu. So although Gon can use emission and transmutation adequately, he will not be able to use manipulation or conjuration very well or at all.
Although everyone's Hatsu is different and unique, Hatsu can be divided into five rough types and a sixth type for anything that does not fit into the five.
The most popular way (and the only sure-way seen in the series) of determining one's aura type is through water divination. The test requires a leaf floating in a glass of water. It consists of a student placing their hands around the glass and using Ren. The effect of their Ren determines the student's affinity. If the volume of the water changes, the user is an Enhancer. If the color of the water changes, the user is an Emitter. If the leaf moves, the user is a Manipulator. If an impurity appears in the water, the user is a Conjurer. If the taste of the water changes, the user is a Transmuter. If a completely different change appears, the user is a Specialist.
The character Hisoka also claims that he is able to judge a person's Nen type based on their personality (so according to him, all people of one Nen type are generally of the same personality type). However, he states that this method is not always correct, and is similar to trying to find someone's star signs or blood type just from personality analysis. According to his theory, Enhancers are determined and simple, Manipulators are logical people who advance at their own pace, Transmuters are whimsical liars, Emitters are impatient and not detail-oriented, Specialists are independent and charismatic, and Conjurers are high-strung.
Types of Hatsu
A compatibility diagram showing the six Hatsu types.
- Enhancement/Reinforcement (強化 Kyōka)
If a student increases the quantity of water in the glass during their water divination, they are an Enhancer. Enhancement is basically the ability to use aura to increase the efficiency of an object or one's own body. Therefore, Enhancers are able to greatly increase their physical attack and defense, and are best suited for close-melee combat.
Enhancement is the most well-balanced category, allowing users to spread themselves evenly between offense and defense and become very strong using only simple abilities. Examples of more complex Enhancement abilities include enhancing a person's ability to repair themselves.
- Emission (放出 Hōshutsu)
If a student changes the color of the water in the glass during their water divination, they are an Emitter. An affinity for Emission means that a user is capable of controlling the deployment of their aura while separating it from their body. Aura usually decreased in intensity very quickly when it is separated from the source body, but strong Emitters can separate their aura from their body for long-periods of time and still be able to maintain it.
An application of this is the ability to throw giant balls of aura. Emission abilities are commonly mistaken for Conjuration abilities. The two, however, are fundamentally different. Objects created by Emitters are made of pure aura, believed to be invisible to normal people, and requires Manipulation skills to control.
- Manipulation (操作 Sōsa)
If a student moves the leaf floating on the water in the glass during their water divination, they're a Manipulator. Manipulation is the ability to control living or non-living material. Abilities belonging to Manipulators tend to be more complex, and generally require certain conditions to be met before the user is able to control the target object.
An example of a Manipulator is Shalnark, who can control people by placing a phone antenna on their body. Another Manipulator is Baise, who can control people by kissing them.
- Conjuration/Materialization (具現化 Gugenka)
If a student creates an object in the water in the glass during the their water divination, they are a Conjurer. Conjuration is the ability to create a physical, independent, material object out of one's aura. Once a person has mastered the conjuration of a certain object, they can conjure it and dispel it in an instant, whenever they want. It is believed that conjuration is the only way in which Nen can create things which ordinary people (unaware of Nen) can see and touch. Furthermore, objects/entities materialized by this technique have a subtle "independence" to them. This means that they can continue existing even if they were at a considerable distance from the Conjurer, or even if the Conjurer themselves are not aware that they have yet to be de-materialized. However the use of In can hide an object materialized from aura from experienced users of Nen.
Conjured objects can have special abilities imbued into them. For example, the Phantom Troupe bandit, Shizuku, is able to conjure a vacuum cleaner that can infinitely suck up objects, but with the condition that it can't suck up living things. Similar to manipulation, conjuration abilities tend to be very specific, complex, and conditional. Conditions can be imbued into conjured objects to make them stronger. Kortopi, for example, is able to materialize a perfect copy of any non-living object that he touches. However, all of his materialized objects will automatically disappear after 24 hours.
- Transmutation (変化 Henka)
If a student changes the taste of the water in the glass during their water divination, they're a Transmuter. An affinity for transmutation means a person can change the properties of their aura to mimic something else. Similar to emission, things created via transmutation are still pure aura. A simple way of thinking about it would be that transmutation allows your aura to mimic properties of a substance, whereas conjuration allows you to change your aura into actual substances. Transmuters can copy the properties of real things. For example, Killua Zoldyck uses his aura to copy the properties of electricity. Transmuters can also give their aura properties that don't necessarily mimic real things; Hisoka's "Bungee Gum" copies and combines the properties of rubber and gum. Transmuted substances are invisible to people unaware of the existence of Nen.
- Specialization (特質 Tokushitsu)
If a student causes some other effect during their water divination, they're a Specialist. It is possible that the effect that occurs can give some insight into how they should direct their ability. Specialization is anything that doesn't belong into the other five categories. This is the most vague Hatsu category. For example, Kurapika's specialization ability allows him to use all the five standard Hatsu types at 100% efficiency. Chrollo Lucilfer specialization ability is a combination of the other five types, but in a way that no other user of Nen can use. Neon Nostrade's specialization ability is unique, it has almost no relevance to any of the other five Hatsu types. It is possible to become a Specialist later in life, although it is more likely for Manipulators or Conjurers which is why it is placed at the bottom of the chart.
Hatsu abilities
Using more than one Hatsu type
A lot of Nen abilities use more than one Hatsu type. Common combinations include manipulation and emission (allowing the manipulation of objects from far away) and manipulation and conjuration (allowing the manipulation of conjured objects).
Within human boundaries
No Nen ability can be "beyond human boundaries." What this means is that you can't have an ability that is limitless. For example, you can't materialize a sword that can cut through anything. However, if you can set very strict conditions on it - then you can materialize a sword that can cut through anything given that the conditions are met. For example, Kurapika was unable to materialize an unbreakable chain. However, he was able to materialize a chain that was unbreakable by any Phantom Troupe member. Shizuku is able to materialize a vacuum cleaner which can suck up any nonliving object not created by Nen.
These three Hatsu types tend to cause a lot of confusion to some people. To put it in short, a conjured thing is solid and material, anyone, whether or not they can use Nen can see it (unless In is used to conceal it); a transmuted thing is pure aura that copies the properties of other things, whilst emission abilities shoot pure aura able to be kept distant from the user's body.
Kastro's Doppelganger [Conjuration] - The Doppelganger was solid, ordinary people could see it, and it could be separated from the real Kastro as long as it stayed relatively close.
Hisoka's Bungee Gum [Transmutation] - Normal people are unable to see it and it always is physically connected to Hisoka. Furthermore, it is not solid, but rather pure aura energy copying the properties of rubber and gum.
Razor's 14 Devils [Emission] - They were not solid and ordinary people couldn't see them. Razor's 14 Devils were pure aura, and they did not need to physically stay in contact with him.
Advanced Techniques
These are the more advanced techniques. Most of them are achieved by using a combination of the basic techniques. Most nen users learn Ten, Zetsu and Ren first before attempting these techniques. The Hatsu, being a nen-user's individual 'skill', is often something that a nen-user will develop gradually over a long period of time.
Shū (周 Enfold) is the advanced form of Ten. Shū allows a Nen-user to extend their aura to an object, allowing them to "use" that object as if it were an extension of their own body. For example, one could use Shū to extend their Ten around an object (and not just their body), which would strengthen and protect the object like the way Ren strengthens and protects the body. This is the technique that allows Hisoka to make his solitaire cards as sharp and as hard as metal knives.
En (圓 Envelope) is an advanced application of Ren and Ten. In Ren, aura usually envelops only a small amount of space around the user's body. En is when one extends their Ren so that their aura extends further than normal, then uses Ten at the same time to give shape to the aura, usually a sphere. Someone using En can feel the shape and movement of anything entering their En-covered area. The downside to this is that it is extremely tiring and draining for the nen-user to constantly deploy so much aura. Those who master En are typically able to extend their En to a circle of 50m radius. There are exceptions--Zeno Zoldyck, one of the most powerful assassins alive, is able to extend his En to a radius of 300m. Also, the chimera ant Neferpitou, has an irregularly shaped En and can extend a tendril of it up to two miles away.
Ken (堅 Fortify) is the advanced version of the basic Ren technique. Ken is a defensive technique where a Nen-user maintains a state of Ren over their entire body, allowing them to defend against attacks from any direction without the need to use Gyō (described below). Ken is as useful as a defensive position, but is tiring to maintain. Additionally, it is not as strong as Gyō on any given part of the body, since it protects the whole body evenly. Because of that, it is used to guard when one wants to be cautious.
In (隱 Conceal) is an advanced form of Zetsu that can almost completely hide a Nen-user. In can also be used on a Nen-user's Hatsu ability (more information on why some Hatsu abilities are visible can be found in the Hatsu category section) to make it invisible to other nen users. In can be countered by using Gyō on the eyes, or by using the technique En.
Gyō (凝 Harden) is a technique where a Nen-user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part. This ability to concentrate the aura is known as Gyō. Gyō increases the strength of that one body part, but leaves the rest of your body more vulnerable.
Gyō is most often used on the eyes, which allows a Nen-user to see things which would otherwise be hidden (e.g. nen objects hidden by In). This also allows a Nen-user to analyze an opponent to find weaknesses that would otherwise be unnoticeable.
Kō (硬 Temper) is the strong form of Gyō, where all of an individual's Nen-energy is concentrated into one particular body part. Zetsu is used to completely stop the flow of Nen in all other parts of the body. This makes that one body part exceptionally powerful, but leaves the rest of the body completely unprotected. This is used by some Nen-users as an offensive technique (a Kō-punch would carry all 100% of your Nen-power with it), but it is a risky move (leaving the rest of your body unprotected in a fight against another Nen-user is not generally a good idea).
Ryū (流 Flow) is the term for real-time use of Gyō (adjustment of aura concentration in various body parts) by a Nen-user in battle. For example, the use of Gyō to increase the amount of Nen in a fist as one strikes with it, to increase damage done; or to increase the amount of Nen in an arm as it is used to block a blow, for extra defense.
Twelve years prior to the start of the story, Ging Freecss left his infant son, Gon, with Gon's aunt Mito on Whale Island. Gon, raised believing both his parents were dead, finds out from Ging's apprentice, Kite, that his father is still alive and has since become an accomplished "Hunter".Hunters are licensed, elite members of humanity who are capable of tracking down secret treasure, rare beasts, or even other individuals.[4] Gon leaves his home to follow in his father's footsteps as a Hunter by taking the "Hunter Examination", a series of brutal tests involving skill, survival, and teamwork.Prior to and during the exam, Gon meets and befriends three of the other applicants: Kurapika, the last remaining member of the Kurta clan who wishes to become a Hunter in order to avenge his slain people; Leorio, a prospective physician who claims to desire to become rich; and Killua Zoldyck, who fled his life as a member of a notorious assassin family. Among many other examinees, Gon continuously encounters Hisoka, a deadly and sadistic magician. After the exam and a brief excursion to Killua's home estate, the four protagonists split up, promising to meet up in a place called Yorknew City months later. Kurapika departs to find work and Leorio leaves to attend medical school. Gon and Killua decide to gain both combat experience and money at the "Heavens Arena", a skyscraper where thousands of martial artists compete daily in fighting tournaments. There they meet a kung fu master named Wing, who trains them in utilizing "Nen", a chi-like life energy that can be used to manifest superhuman powers.
The next story arc reunites the main characters for the world's largest auction in the sprawling metropolis Yorknew City. Gon, Killua, and Leorio try different methods to make enough money to buy "Greed Island", an extremely rare and expensive video game with Nen-like properties that may help Gon locate his father.[6] Meanwhile, Kurapica, having mastered a form of Nen himself, takes a job as bodyguard for a rich client who is attempting to obtain a pair of Kurta eyes. While in at the auction, Kurapica crosses paths with the Phantom Troupe, also known as the "Spiders", a criminal group attempting to steal valuable artifacts throughout the city's many auctions. The group is led by its founder Kuroro Lucilfer, a powerful Hunter capable of stealing others' Nen abilities and the leader of the group responsible for the slaughtering of the Kurta clan (Kurapika's people). With the help of his comrades, Kurapica forces Kuroro out of the Phantom Troup and halts the group's activity in Yorknew City. Finally, Gon and Killua find Greed Island, the seemingly-magical video game that sucks players within. The goal of the game is to collect a number of set cards, although almost everything in the game, from food to money, can be turned into cards. Inside Greed Island Gon and Killua are joined by Biscuit Krueger, a master and experienced teacher of Nen who trains them. With the help of many other players, Gon and Killua clear the game. As part of their reward, they are allowed to take three cards to be used outside the game. Using one of the cards, Gon and Killua travel to the location of a player with the username "Nigg", who they believe to be Ging. However, it ends up bringing them to Kite instead.
Alongside Kite, Gon and Killua briefly work as biological researchers in the country of Kakin. As they investigate a giant insect limb found on the country's shores, the group discover it came from a man-sized Chimera Ant queen, an insect that devours other creatures and then gives birth to progeny that inherit the characteristics of the different species it has eaten. The queen washes up onto island nation called the Neo-Green Life (N.G.L.) Autonomous Region, inhabited by a neo-luddite culture. She quickly develops a taste for humans and builds a colony in order to conceive both an army of offspring and a Chimera Ant king named Meryem. The Chimera Ants proceed to wipe most of the population out before Gon, Killua, and Kite arrive. The queen dies during labor, and the king and his Royal Guards flee the N.G.L., secretly overthrowing the government of the nearby Republic of East Gorteau soon thereafter. Under the guise of the former king of the Republic, Meryem initiates the process of forcibly awakening Nen in the civilians of East Gorteau in order to form his own personal army to conquer the world, resulting in the deaths of millions unable to awaken Nen. As Ants formerly under the queen's rule rejoin the king, the Hunter Association mobilizes quickly to stop the oncoming genocide by sending in an extermination team of Hunters to East Gorteau. Distraught over the murder of Kite at the hands of the Royal Guards, Gon and Killua join the extermination team in order to take revenge for their friend.
Gon Freecss is the talented twelve-year-old main protagonist of the series. Gon was left in the care of his aunt Mito on Whale Island after she took custody of him in court. Holding great disdain for Ging's constant travels and putting Gon in danger, she forced Ging to give his son up so he could live normally. At the age of nine, Gon met his father's apprentice, Kite, who proceeded to tell Gon that his father was alive. Their meeting steered Gon towards deciding to search for Ging and also influenced him to take the Hunter Exam. Gon is naturally talented in a variety of ways, including superhuman senses, uncanny learning potential, social skills, and immense strength. However, he is simultaneously prone to influence by things he finds intriguing regardless of their inherent ethics.
Throughout the series, Gon adventures alongside his best friend Killua Zoldyck as a Hunter. Gon has been received well by Japanese readers, placing third in the first character popularity poll.He is voiced by Junko Takeuchi in the Japanese version of the anime series and Elinor Holt in the English dub.
Gon Freecss (ゴン=フリークス, Gon Furīkusu) is the main protagonist of Hunter X Hunter. He is the son of Ging Freecss and an unknown mother, who died when he was a child. He is the nephew of Mito, the grandson of unnamed grandmother. He is on a quest to find his father who happens to be a legendary hunter.
Gon is an open, friendly and an often very naïve boy. He loves his friends more than anything and would go to the worlds ends to help them. His nen-type is Enhancement and they're known for being very simple-minded. Gon's determination and kindness leads to that many possible enemies decide to take his side. He has inhuman senses and his ability to understand animals and make them like him shocks the society.
Gon is an optimistic, energetic and friendly boy. He is first seen on his hometown Whale Island where he lives with his Aunt Mito. His Aunt (actually his cousin in the manga) told him that his parents died in an accident when he was a baby. However, he later learns that this is not the case. When he was nine years old, he was rescued from an angry mother bear-fox by a stranger named Kaito, who is a hunter and a student of Ging Freecss (Jin), Gon's long lost father. Kaito is looking for Ging as a final test before his master will consider him to be a true hunter. Kaito's admiration of Ging awakens in Gon a lifetime goal of meeting his father. In order to find Ging, and follow in his footsteps, Gon is driven from that moment to obtain a hunter's license. His uncanny sense of smell, hearing and taste as well as his remarkable stamina serve him well on that path.
Pre-Hunter Exam Arc
Gon is first seen at his home of Whale Island, fishing for The Master Of The Swamp (a giant fish with many insect-like legs.) It is said that five grown men pulling together couldn't land it. Gon had to catch it because he had a bet with Aunt Mito, with the condition that she will let him take part in the Hunter Exam. After he succeeds his aunt finally lets him go. Then he proceeds to go visit his friend, a grown up foxbear named Kon, who Gon raised since he was a cub. Gon tells Kon that he's going to become a Hunter and that he will do things the the animals of the forest won't like. Since Kon is the king of the forest, he can't talk to Gon anymore. Kon walks away from Gon to a gathering of other animals. Gon runs away yelling, "Kon you rule!"
Returning home Gon speaks to his Aunt. She asks if Gon always knew his Father's trade, and also tells him his father left Gon with her when he was still a baby, to which Gon replies being a hunter must be an important job that family comes only second, and being a hunter isn't for weaklings. He then says it's time for him to meet his father.[1]
He is then seen preparing to board a ship heading for the Hunter exam. Everyone in the town comes to say bye and wish him luck. Aunt Mito comes and tells him his father didn't abandon him; she made him give up Gon. Gon says he knew because she never looks at him when she's lying. He gets on the boat and yells back to her that he will return as a great hunter.
Preliminary Hunter Exam Arc
The first night on the boat, there is a huge storm that tosses about most of the would-be hunters. After the storm the captain walks around to see only two candidates are still able to move, but Gon is running back and forth trying to take care of the sea-sick. Later on, Gon is standing on the front of the boat where he predicts they will be hit by another storm, but this time it will be three times the size as the previous night. The captain knows he is correct and not guessing; he sees Ging in Gon. He asks who Gon's father is, and finds he is correct. The captain shows Gon how to steer the boat, he also announces that the next storm was coming and anyone who wanted off should right now. All but Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio leave. The captain asks why they all want to be hunters. Gon answers while the other two don't. Leorio asks why they should tell him when he just steers the ship. The captain replies he screens applicants and it is up to him whether or not they pass. The remaining two tell him. While explaining, Kurapika annoys Leorio to the point they go out into the storm to fight. When a crew member jumps in to stop them he falls overboard and Gon jumps after him, narrowly missing falling into the ocean thanks to Kurapika and Leorio grabbing his ankles in time to pull them both back on board.
When they reach land the captain gives them a hint to head to a far off tree. Gon decides to go, and Kurapika decides to tag along. Leorio stays until he finds that there was another trick to weed out the weak. And he runs off to join the other two.
Later they reach a village that seems to be deserted but Gon says he can hear them and so can Kurapika. Then the whole population of the village comes out to start The Mind-Boggling Two Choice Quiz. The leader of the village asks two questions and all they can say is 1 or 2. The man who heard the clue walks in and says he'll go first. She asks him, "Men have taken your mother and your true love captive. Who do you save?" He chooses 1 thinking that's what she wants him to say. She says he may go. Leorio starts yelling because of the preposterous question. Kurapika tells him to be quiet seeing Gon has heard something. She asks another impossible question and Leorio attacks her. Kurapika blocks it stating they passed, since silence is the answer. He adds he heard the other man scream, meaning he was killed, but no one knows how.
After a short walk they come to a couple in a small hut being attacked by a magical beast. The beast takes off with the lady followed by Gon and Kurapika, with Leorio staying behind to take care of the man. While chasing after the creature Gon pulls ahead of Kurapika, closes in on the creature, and bashes it in the head. It drops the wife, who is caught by Kurapika. The creature still manages to get away from Gon, who continues chasing it. Soon he comes to clearing where the creature attacks him. Gon merely greets it and asks where the one he hit went to. It is revealed that both the creatures and the couple are a family and the ones who would take the three to the Hunter exam.
The next day, they arrive at a small restaurant. The disguised magical beast orders a specific meal, then the cook sits them in a room and delivers the meal. The room is actually an elevator that starts to drop. As they make their way down, Kurapika and Leorio try to find out whether Gon is taking the test for the wealth, or for the adventure. He doesn't answer.
Gon's hunter exam starts with him getting targeted by rookie hunter Tompa. Tompa first introduces himself as a friend trying to help Gon. Tompa then introduces some of the other regulars, Such as Bourbon the snake charmer, Todo the wrestler, The Amori brothers, Geretta the huntsman. While doing the introductions they hear a bloodcurdling scream, and they look to see a man missing his arms courtesy of Hisoka the magician who maimed him only because he bumped into him.
Tompa then offers Gon and the other two some juice. Gon, being the first to taste it, spits it back out saying it tastes funny, leading to Kurapika and Leorio dumping theirs on the ground. Afterwards Tompa makes a hasty apology.
Hunter Exam Arc
1st Stage
Satotz, the first examiner, begins the exam with an extremely long run down a tunnel. A kid on a skateboard ends up next to Gon, and he asks how old Gon is. He jumps off his board and introduces himself as Killua. Gon looking back seeing Leorio back and falling he drops his briefcase, he then gets his second wind and runs past. Gon uses his fishing pole and carries while he's running. After running for 80 km they come to a set of stairs and start climbing, while Satotz starts to pick up the pace.
2nd Stage
The second stage of the exam takes place in the Visca Forest, where the examinees meet Gourmet Hunters Menchi and Buhara. Buhara's test is to find the world's most dangerous pig and bring it back to him so he can eat it. Gon and his friends complete the task easily along with 70 other applicants. However, Menchi, the second examiner, baffles the examinees when she tells them to make sushi, a traditional Japanese dish, as none of them knows what sushi is. As the examinees gradually figure out how to make sushi, Menchi overreacts when one of the examinees, Hanzo, who comes from the country where sushi is made, tells all the applicants how to make sushi, ending the test. As a result, no one passes, which requires Netero to intervene. The test is taken to Split Mountain where examinees hunt for Spider Eagle eggs. At the end of this stage, there are 42 applicants left.
A Game at Midnight
The 42 remaining applicants board the judging committee's blimp, where it is revealed that their next stage of the exam will begin at 8:00 A.M the next day. As everyone rests up for tomorrow, Satotz, Buhara and Menchi talk about the rookies this year. Menchi mentions that a few have pretty powerful auras. Satotz says he likes the looks of this year's rookies, while Buhara places his confidence in #44, Hisoka. Meanwhile, Gon and Killua encounter Netero who challenges them to a game; if they win, he'd issue their licenses on the spot. All they have to do is take away a ball from Netero. Killua eagerly goes first and uses an assassination art called rhythym echo to create several after-images of himself; Killua proves to slow too seize the ball, after several attempts. When Killua sees an opening, he undercuts Netero's pivot, but it only causes damage to Killua, as Netero's pivot is like an iron post. Gon then takes his turn to take the ball; he charges forward and leaps up high--and crashes into the ceiling. Time passes and when it seems Gon and Killua have tried every possible tactic, Netero suggests they attack together. Though they come seemingly close to it at one point, Netero rockets in between them at lightning speed and takes the ball. Killua calls it quits and ends up killing two applicants in his frustration; Gon, however, decides to play until he forces Netero to use his right hand. When he succeeds in doing so, Gon collapses in exhaustion where he is.
3rd Stage
In the morning, the blimp arrives at the top of a huge tower; Trick Tower. The 40 applicants are informed that they have 72 hours to reach the base of Trick Tower alive. With no steps or windows reaching the base seems to be tricky. One applicant claims to be an expert rock climber and begins his descent down the tower's side. However, he is quickly eaten alive by monstrous birds.
Geretta the huntsman manages to locate a secret door and uses it. Everyone seems to pick up on this and finds their own trapdoors to take. Gon, Kurapika, Leorio and Killua each find one and bid each other farewell unitl they meet at the bottom, only for all four to be dropped in the same room, which appears to be sealed off. A sign on the wall indicates that they must all five find their way down the tower by consensus. There are five wrist timers on a stand and Kurapika picks up on that they must wait for a fifth person to come along. A voice comes across a speaker and tells them Kurapika is correct and that cooperation is the essence of this path.
They wait two hours and finally none other than the Rookie Crusher Tompa falls in. The gang is already put to voting as they approach the door appearing when Tompa put on his timer. They all vote and the door opens, but somebody had voted against opening the door. Tompa apologizes saying, "My finger slipped." Leorio is quick to warn him not to do that again.
After a bit of squabbling they continue on and vote again soon, this time to choose right or left; they choose right. Though Leorio is uncomfortable going right, the majority rules so the head on. They reach a huge pit-like room with an arena in the middle and five cloaked figures are opposite them in the next passageway. One of the strangers, named Bendot, removes his cloak and announces that they are the taskmasters that will challenge the five of them, each going only once to see which side gets the majority of wins. They vote on whether or not they'll accept the challenge and then Tompa decides to go first, as they wouldn't want him on a tie-breaker. Bendot says his match will be a fight to the death, which Tompa accepts. Tompa immediately gives up after the match begins though, angering Leorio.
After eventually winning, the fourth stage is a capture a flag premises finding the person with their assigned number.
After this trial the next is 1 on 1 match with each of the participants after a few fights Killua brother turns out to be one of the participants destroying Killua 's reserve of being a Hunter. Which greatly angers Gon. The hunter exam is won by only a few people Hanzo, Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, Hasko, Pokkle, and Gittarakuru (Illumi Zoldyck, Killua's brother, in disguise).
The Yorknew Auction Arc
The third story arc reunites the main characters for the world's largest auction in a sprawling metropolis called Yorknew City. Gon, Killua, and Leorio try different methods to make enough money to buy Greed Island, a video game that could help Gon find his father. This story arc introduces the Phantom Troupe, a group of thieves who, among many other crimes, slaughtered all the other members of Kurapika's clan. Kurapika crosses paths with them while working as a bodyguard. After aiding Kurapika with the Troupe members, Gon and Killua finally gain access to Greed Island, the seemingly-magical video game that sucks players within. The goal of the game is to collect a number of set cards, although almost everything in the game, from food to money, can be turned into cards.
Greed Island Arc
Inside Greed Island Gon and Killua are joined by Biscuit Krueger, a master and experienced teacher of Nen who trains them. During their training period, Killua also exits the game in order to take part in the Hunter exam and obtain a Hunter's License. Gon ended up being the first person to clear the game and, as part of his reward, is allowed to take three cards to be used in the real world. Using the card 'Accompany', Gon and Killua travel to a player under the user name 'Nigg', who they believe to be Ging. However, it ends up bringing them to Kite instead. Gon as seen in Greed Island.
Chimera Ants Arc
Alongside Kaito, Gon and Killua briefly work as biological researchers in the country of Kakin. As they investigate a giant insect limb found on the country's shores, the group discover it came from a man-sized chimera ant queen — an insect that devours other insects and animals, and then gives birth to progeny that inherit the characteristics of the different species it has eaten. The queen chimera ant washes up onto island nation called the Neo-Green Life (N.G.L.) Autonomous Region, inhabited by a neo-luddite culture. She quickly develops a taste for humans and builds a colony in order to conceive both an army of offspring and a chimera ant king. The chimera ants proceed to wipe most of the population out before Gon, Killua, and Kite arrive. The queen dies during labor, and the chimera ant king and his Chimera Ants flee the N.G.L., secretly overthrowing the government of the nearby Republic of East Gorteau soon thereafter. Under the guise of the former king of the Republic, the chimera ant king initiates the process of forcibly awakening Nen in the civilians of East Gorteau in order to form his own personal army to conquer the world — resulting in the deaths of millions unable to awaken Nen. As ants formerly under the queen's rule rejoin the king, the Hunter Association mobilizes quickly to stop the oncoming genocide by sending in an extermination team of Hunters to East Gorteau. Distraught over the murder of Kite at the hands of the Royal Guards, Gon and Killua join the extermination team in order to take revenge for their friend. After some encounters with Youpi and Pouf, even seeing the King from the distance who was to be fighting Netero himself), he finally meets Pitou, and at the end, seeing that all Pitou was doing was deceiving him from not being able to save his friend Kaito, he unleashes all the anger and sorrow he was keeping within him, turning into an older version of himself (perhaps in his mid 20s), using all his potential in one instant to kill his enemy. In the aftermath, he was to lose something important (perhaps just all the years he lost) and was unconcious by releasing such tremendous power. Killua then took him with the rest of his friends.
Nen Abilities
His nen type is Enhancement, which accounts for his great strength and recuperative abilities. His hatsu is called JaJanken (Due to the influence of Knucle) which is a play on the japanese word "janken" which refers to the game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors". The unusual name of his hatsu was created when Gon stuttered when informing the hunter Knuckle Bine that his hatsu was called "janken".
Jajanken consists of three parts. His main attack is "Rock", a simple reinforcement-type attack focusing all his nen into his fist. His long-ranged attack is "Paper", an emission-type attack that fires a relatively weak ball of energy from his palm. His mid-ranged attack is "Scissors", a transformation-type attack that forms a blade of nen that is attached to his first two fingers. These three attacks are all initiated with the traditional pose and shout of a game of janken. After some of the events of the Chimera Ants arc, Gon use an unnamed ability that cost him all of his inborn talent. It has yet to be confirmed if this mean than Gon will ever be able to use Nen abilities again.
Rock (グー Gū): Gon focuses the aura around his fists using Ko and releases it in a punch. Rock is a close range attack, and has the strongest power among the three.Rock.
Scissors (チー Chī): Scissors is formed using two fingers in a pistol shape. Gon uses Transmutation abilities to transform his aura into a long blade extending from the two fingers. It's a middle range attack, and not as powerful as Rock, though it can cut through what Rock cannot break. Gon has more trouble with this attack because he is an Enhancer leaning towards Emission.Scissors.
Paper (パー Pā): For this, Gon uses his Emission abilities to project his Nen towards his enemies. Paper uses an open palm to emit the aura. It's a long range attack that fires nen as a projectile; because Gon is an Enhancer and Paper uses emission, a different nen type, it is weaker than Rock. However, he has found this to be useful for pincer type attacks, as demonstrated in his battle with Knuckle.Paper.
Unknown Transformation: Gon has recently demonstrated another ability with the specifics currently unknown. Activated by his immense rage, Gon transformed into an older version of himself with strength rivaling that of the chimera ant king. In this form, he was strong enough to fatally wound Neferpitou. As Pitou's consciousness fade, the dying ant remarked that such power can only be achieved through great cost.
Killua Zaoldyeck
Killua Zoldyck is the secondary protagonist in Hunter x Hunter. Born as the middle child to a family of renowned assassins, the Zoldyck family, Killua mastered the trade at a young age and was designated to be the heir to the family business. But Killua rebelled against his family and ran away from home. Befriending Gon Freecss during the Hunter Exam, the pair decide to go on a quest to find Gon's father. Killua is in constant battle with his identity as a twelve-year-old and his identity as a murderer, often relapsing back to his former ways. Manipulated and tortured by his father and elder brothers, Killua has been raised to tolerate pain and simultaneously enjoy the act of killing. His tolerance to pain is also what gives him his strength, as he has the ability to harness the power of electricity if it enters his body.
Killua was born as the middle child to a family of known assassins, the Zoldyck family. Showing great promise from birth, Killua has already mastered many killing techniques at a tender age, and is set to be one of the best assassins the family has ever produced. Bored and tired of killing, Killua unexpectedly rebelled against his family, injuring both his mother and brother, and ran away to join the Hunter exam just for fun.He met Gon during the first portion of the Hunter Exam and became great friends. He thinks being with Gon is exciting and adventurous.
Killua divulges that ever since his birth, he has been in constant training for the occupation of a professional assassin. Killua had spent years trying to perfect unique skills that assassins portray and possess. He is forced to battle in the Heavens Arena fighting tournament at the age of 6, which he took two years to get to the 190th floor.
From the outside, Killua seems just to be the rich boy; cheeky, cheerful and full of mischievous ideas. He is also one of the most quick-thinking characters in the series.
However, his ruthlessness and aptitude in killing shows the other side of him-- deadly, violent and bloodthirsty. Having been repeatedly tortured since birth, Killua has been conditioned to possess extreme tolerance for poison, electricity and pain. He possesses extraordinary agility and strength that makes Killua a one mean killing machine-- definitely not one to be trifled with, as many of his adversaries had witnessed and some are not a alive to tell about it.
However, until recently, his greatest flaw was to fear those who are more powerful than him, one of whom is his elder brother, Illumi. Killua had been trained as an assassin by his brother to be extremely cautious that he only engages in combat provided that victory is absolutely certain. This impeded him as a Hunter, as Biscuit stated more than once that victory is never certain, and that depending on the circumstances, a person has the potential to defeat a stronger opponent.
Killua struggled with these conflicting ideas during the latter half of the series, as he started to encounter stronger opponents. However, his brother's teachings remained firmly entrenched in his mind, to the point that Biscuit prophesied that he would one day abandon Gon because of this. Biscuit gave Killua an ultimatum: Defeat Shoot to claim the right to go with Gon and fight the Chimera Ants. Killua lost, and resolved to leave after Gon had recovered from his fight, protecting him in the meantime.
Finally he had to face Biscuit's prophecy when he encountered a Chimera ant while Gon (who couldn't use nen at the time) wasn't far off and had no way to defend himself. Killua made an attempt to save Gon. While fighting with the Chimera Ant, Killua is also battling his inner-self. Preoccupied, Killua is losing to the chimera ant. At the last moment, Killua realized that Illumi had implanted a needle in his brain way back in the first Hunter Exam. This needle was responsible for forcing Killua to retreat and jailed himself on his comfort zone whenever any situation would potentially endanger his life. Upon extracting the needle, Killua was freed from this restraint and gained full control of his subconscious to make his own decision whether or not to flee whenever there is a need to fight stronger opponents.
Weapons and Assassination Arts
Killua beheads a Chimera Ant soldier instantlyIn the first part of the series, Killua does not employ or use any weapons in combat (but he has a skate as a means of transportation, though). Instead, he relies on several assassination arts passed down to him through his family. These include adjusting his fingernails into claws and the Echo--a motion that creates an afterimage of the body through a varying cadence of steps. His eyes also change into a more sinister look.
The Technique of the Rotating Bodies: It is a deadly technique used in critical situations to create a succession of images on the retina, creating an illusion. It is a high level attack also called "Technique ofthe Dark Step" because of the total absence of noise during the movement.Killua's yoyo
Aniki (雷掌): During the Greed Island story arc, Killua begins using yo-yos made of a special metal alloy in combat. The yo-yos are extremely durable and heavy, weighing 50 kilograms each. They can be used in conjunction with Killua's Hatsu as well. Killua is reluctant to use the yo-yos in combat thus using only his raw physical abilities in order for his opponent to know as little about his combat abilities as possible.
Nen Abilities
As a Transmuter, Killua's most efficient in changing the form of his nen. As such, Killua developed several electricity based nen techniques. This feat was both inspired and made possible by the years of electric shocks he received as a child, both as training against torture and as punishment from his older brother Milluki. Killua demonstrating his nen.
Izutsushi (雷掌 Lightning Palm): The first and most basic ability Killua developed. As the name suggests, Killua is able to shock an opponent by touching them.[ he was electricuited since he was born so it isn't paining to him.]
Killua attacking with Narukami
Narukami(落雷 Thunderbolt): A natural evolution of his Lightning Palm ability, Killua is also able to project a large bolt of lightning from his hands, striking an opponent with electricity from a distance. The name of the ability, Narukami, comes from the famous Kabuki play, Narukami Fudô Kitayama Zakura, in which the character Narukami transforms into a thunder god at the end of the fourth act.
Kanmuru (神速 Godspeed): Developed by Killua during his fight against the Oroso Siblings. With his hair, hands and feet changed into electric type aura, Killua's Kanmaru ability allows him to react and move his body at speeds that would normally be impossible (even in the fictional Hunter × Hunter universe). This ability changes Killua's aura into a field capable of transmitting all electrical impulses from his brain in a straight line directly to the part of the body he wants to use, completely bypassing his nervous system. It is made up of two parts: Denkō Sekka, the ability to move his body according to his own will, and Shippū Jinrai, the ability to sense his opponents movements and have his body react automatically. He can also move from one place to another hastily, as he did when looking for Gon.
Killua is the 2nd Transmuter in the Zoldyck family, after Silva. Although Zeno is an emission type user coincidentally, all three have white or silver hair.
Killua's name in Japanese is written as "Kirua" in katakana. It combines the Japanese transliterations of the English words "kill" (kiru) and "killer" (kira).
Killua's eye color shifted: from dark blue it became green in the OVA series.
He once stated that he doesn't know how to write letters, but he had written a "death notice, Zaoldyeck style" before. Another kind of letter is used for blackmailing people.
He hates red peppers. He was invited to Gon's house and Mito [gon's aunt] forced him to eat the red pepper but he spit it out.
Favourite Food: Kokorobokun.
Killua occasionally is drawn with catlike features (paws, ears, mouth) in humorous situations, much like Botan of Yu Yu Hakusho (a previous work by the same manga-ka) did.
Killua is sleeping
His Dark side
Killua's other side
Taunting Gon
Frustrated Face
Killua loves eating sweets
Killua unwillingly eats red pepper
before the hunter exam
Kurapika is the sole survivor of the Kuruta clan, a minority race with treasured irises that glow scarlet in times of anger or emotional agitation. A blacklist Hunter, Kurapika participates in the Hunter Exam alongside Gon in order to gain the power to take revenge for his race. A band of thieves known as the Phantom Troupe murdered Kurapika's entire race for their scarlet eyes, highly sought after on the black market, and he subsequently surrenders himself entirely to vengeance. Having killed two Phantom Troupe members, Kurapika is now haunted by the lingering auras of those he has murdered. But he vows to gain back all the stolen eyes of his people and destroy the Phantom Troupe, even if he must sacrifice his life in the process.
Also there seems to be the possibility that he is a girl. Hinted at when s/he gets angry when one character feels Kurapica's chest. Also when s/he violently lashes out at Leorio, when he is walking around naked. Leorio responds to the attack by saying "Come on, were all guys, right?
Kurapika is a level-headed and intelligent individual, possessing vast knowledge. Of sound judgment, his focused analyses have saved his friends from the brink of death many times. He can appear cold and distant, due to his incessant drive to avenge his clan. Only his companions Gon, Leorio and Killua seem to have thawed his often icy demeanor.Kurapika has proven he is good at Math.
Kurapika has also proven to be a balanced fighter on several occasions. He has two large tantō hidden below his overshirt in the first story arc. In the Yorkshin City arc, he uses a set of chains on his right hand materialized from his nen. When Kurapika's emotions are being enraged, his eyes turn scarlet red -- a trait only possessed by members of the Kuruta tribe. As of the Yorkshin City arc, Kurapika has trained himself to activate his scarlet eyes at will. In this state, he is able to use nen of all categories to their maximum potential.
Kurapika is a member of the Kuruta clan, a reticent group of people that chose to live in obscurity in the Lukso Province. They possess eyes that turn flaming scarlet in times of anger or emotional agitation - a color that remains eternally in the iris at the time of death. The legendary brilliance of such scarlet eyes caused them to have high demand as a collector's treasure.
A few years prior the start of the series, the Phantom Troupe came to Kurapika's hometown and massacred all the members of his tribe, leaving behind scores of dead bodies with eyes gouged out in their wake. As the last surviving member of his clan, Kurapika vows to gain back all the stolen eyes of his people, by tracking the Phantom Troupe down and seeking revenge, even if he must sacrifice his life in the process.
Kurapika is the current leader of Neon Nostrade's bodyguards.
Nen Abilities
Kurapika is a Materialization-type nen user, one that can conjure objects according to his imagination. The weapon that he conjures is a unique one -- five chains that extend from each finger on his right hand. Some of the fingers were specially designed to deal vengeance on the Phantom Brigade. He is able to conceal his chain using "In" in order to bind his opponent without their knowledge until it's too late.
Nen Ability: Emperor Time (Absolute Mastery)
When Kurapika's eyes turn scarlet, he shifts from a Materialization-type to Specialization user. This state is called "Emperor Time", and it allows him to utilize all the types of nen to 100% efficiency. In the manga, Kurapika explains using the terms "Level" and "Force/Accuracy". Kurapika's "Levels" in the various nen categories remain the same during Emperor Time, however, his Force & Accuracy for every category is raised to 100%. Thus, if Kurapika's Level in Materialization type were 10, his Level in Emission (the polar opposite nen type) would be 4, and during Emperor Time, he would be evenly matched against a Level 10 Emission type nen-user. Outside of Emperor Time, his Force & Accuracy in Emission would at most be only be 40%.The explanation of this ability was shown during Kurapika's fight with Uvogin.
To increase his effectiveness against the formidable Phantom Brigade, Kurapika places strict restrictions on the usage of his nen blades:
Thumb Nen Ability: Holy Chain (Healing Thumb)
Shaped like a cross, it cures wounds by drawing from the Reinforcement type. When Kurapika is in his Specialization state, its ability is enhanced and can heal serious injuries within seconds.
Index Finger Nen Ability:
The purpose of this chain has yet to be revealed.
Middle Finger Nen Ability: Chain Jail (The Restraining Middle Finger)
Shaped like a hook, it wraps around enemies and restricts their movement. Also forcefully causes its prisoners to enter Zetsu, shutting off their aura and preventing the use of Nen abilities. Escape from the Chain Jail is only possible through brute force. Kurapika imposed a limitation onto this chain -- it can only be used to deal with members of the Phantom Brigade. If this condition is violated, Kurapika will die. This condition was necessary in order to increase the strength of the ability.This chain was so powerful against the spiders, even the strongest in physical strength in the spiders can't break free.
Ring Finger Nen Ability: Dowsing Chain (The Guiding Ring Finger)
Kurapika blocks off bullets using his Dowsing chain
apika uses this frequently under normal situations, for defense and attack purposes. It is also useful for other investigative activities, like determining the location of missing individuals. He also uses this chain to identify if someone is lying. It has a small ball-like weight at the end which moves in the direction of whatever he is dowsing for. This chain is first seen to be used against six professional assassins who were targetting him.
Pinky Finger Nen Ability: Judgment Chain (Arbiter Little Finger)
The Stake of Retribution, a blade on the end of the chain, enters the victim's body and wraps around the heart. Kurapika sets two conditions and if the victim violates either one, the chain crushes the heart, killing them. It can only be used while Kurapika's eyes are scarlet. Kurapika himself has a blade wrapped around his heart, which he used to set the conditions of use for his Chain Jail ability.It is first use against Uvogin. In the anime he states that this is the finger for his specialization type Nen.
Other Skills
Kurapika using two swords prior of the series.
Kurapica's physical strength seems to increase whenever his scarlet eyes are activated. He is also capable of fighting using two Tanto blades hidden under his over shirt.
Despite his clan named, Kurapika was never been shown with full name. However, "Kurapika Kuruta" name was given by the fans.
Kurapika wears two earrings, although only one is mostly seen throughout the series.
Kurama, one of the main characters in Yoshihiro Togashi's other manga and anime Yuyu Hakusho bears some similarities to Kurapika
Both Wears Kimono Styles of clothing:
Both Are Mistaken For a Female due to their physical appearance
Kurapika is also shown to change differently from the Hunter Exams, and became very different in the York shin Arc
Before the Hunter Exam
While training Nen
Kurapika in disguise
in a Beach
Kurapika used black contacts to hide his Scarlet eyes
During the Zoldyck Arc
Leorio Summary
Leorio is a Hunter that befriended Gon during the Hunter Exam. In order not to give away too much of himself, Leorio superficially claims that his reasons for becoming a Hunter are money alone. However, his true motive is to become a doctor. After losing a friend to an incurable illness that he could not afford the treatment of, Leorio dedicates himself to becoming a Hunter so that he can pay for the costs of medical school and medicines to treat the poor for free. A loyal, trustworthy ally who greatly values the ties of friendship, Leorio acts like the big brother of the group. Though he is often outshone by the genius combat abilities of Gon and Killua, it should be noted that compared to the average man, Leorio is indeed very powerful. He is physically stronger than Gon (when neither are using Nen), and Leorio mastered the Nen principles of Ten and Ren without a professor—a feat that none of his other friends can attest to.
Leorio is first seen on the ship leaving Whale Island, heading for site of the Hunter Exam. Leorio meets Gon just as Gon leaves Whale Island to take the Hunter Exam. This is where he, Gon and Kurapika meet for the first time. They are the only three who refuse to abandon the ship after the furious storm.
Much is unknown about Leorio. He once lost a close friend, Pietro, to a debilitating illness. Leorio feels deeply remorseful about being unable to save his friend, as the illness was entirely curable, but required a surgery he could not afford. Thus, he aspires to become a doctor—one that not only cures the ill of their disease, but also waives the fee for the poor. In this light, his outwardly superficial reason to join the Hunter Exams in the pursuit of great wealth has a more noble justification—the money he gains is used not only to fund for his medicalschool fees, but also to pay for the medicine and other miscellaneous expenditures when treating those who can't afford it.
Leorio is not one who balks and retreats when faced against overwhelming odds in battle and is very capable of holding his own as shown in the first few episodes in the anime when he fight's Kurapika. A loyal, trustworthy ally who greatly values the ties of friendship, he acts like the 'big brother' of the group. He often provides comic relief; Killua normally ridicules him for his comparatively older age. His impulsive and brash nature has sometimes caused more trouble to people around him. Another flair he has is his ability to 'straight-talk' past any situation at hand.
Despite his assurances that he is only after money, he eventually reveals to Kurapika that his dream is to one day become a doctor in order to help the poor. He believes that becoming a hunter will provide him with the necessary funds for his education.
Though he is often outshone by the genius combat abilities of Gon and Killua, it should be noted that compared to the average man, Leorio is indeed very powerful. He is physically stronger than Gon (when neither are using nen), as he was able to open the second gate to the Zoldyck estate, while Gon was only able to open the first. His weapon of choice is a switch blade.
Nen / Abilities
He fights with a blade and is usually seen carrying a briefcase which is filled with antidotes and medical equipment .
As of the Yorknew City arc, Leorio has been shown to only master Ten, and has been learning more of the basic techniques from Gon and Killu . He has not yet developed his own Hatsu.It is also noted that He learned it on his own wich in a short amount of time which shows his skill.
Other abilities
Skilled Haggler
Leorio has a talent in haggling,He can lower the price on the object he wants to purchase to the point that he actually gets people to watch and applause him getting at it.